Chapter 13

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Meep paraded out of the classroom to the crowd of tall and old hoomans and Miz was here for some strange reason.

Melvin hopped over all excitedly wand grabbed Meeps hand.

"I'm gonna meet an astronaut in real life! THIS IS AWESOME!" He jumped about giggling gleefully. It was adorabl- I mean annoying. Incredibly annoying.


Meep spotted a large hooman man with a hardhat, flannel attire and he also had face hair.

The man bellowed in a deep tone as he tossed his large fists in the air

"SO WHO'S THE BIG MAN WHO GETS TO WORK WITH ME!?" Meep was overjoyed to get to work with a professional destroyer.

"I AM!" Meep yelled in a similar fasion. The man took a while to notice Meep, but as soon as he did he smiled.

"Well, now who do we have here?"

"Meep your destructiveness!" Meep yelled as she stood at attention. The man laughed and picked her off the ground. He set her on his large shoulder as he proceeded to shout.



Unfortunately Miz wasn't so pumped. He lifted Meep from the man's shoulder yelling some unpleasant words to the man and tried to swap Melvin and Meep, but his efforts were flawed in the end dressing Meep in tons of uncomfortable clothes and proceeded to hug Meep tightly.

How very sweet of him?

The tall white coat dragged him away with Melvin happily skipping after them leaving Meep with the man again.

He didn't seem fazed by Miz's outbreak and just smiled

"He's a very tense fellow isn't he?"


Sorry for the short chapter will update again tomorrow.

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