Please baby I'm sorry!

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Becky's pov

Please baby I'm sorry..... i screwed up! I'm so sorry!! But i need you! And i can't live without you i embarassed you on the internet and ppl hated you because of me! I love you Colby and I'll do anything in this world to get you back! B-becky you hurt me so bad you shattered my heart but hearing you say you love me and you'd do anything to get me back thats all i needed to here...

Colby's pov

So.... Colbs baby please be my boyfriend and again your the best thing that ever happened to me... and no boy has ever made me feel the way you do!! Umm.... you don't have to say yes today or ever! But I'm not rushing is what I'm trying to say so you take as much time as you need then let me know what you want ok? I'll see you later but i really do love you she said as she twisted the doorknob about to walk out.. becky wait! He screamed as he grabbed her wrist.... yes! Omg!! I love you so much you have no idea these past years have been the worst!!  I love you and i will never ever ever hurt you again!! And I'll do anything on this earth for you! So COLBY DANIEL LOPEZ I LOVE Y- And she was cut off by Colby smashing there lips together.

2 weeks later

Becky's pov

I'm so happy everything is back to normal. Me too.... hey what's wrong? You've been quiet lately. Nothing just..worried about this match tonight he said! Baby... listen to me she said as she sat on his lap and cupped his face you'll do awesome like you always do stop worrying besides everyone's loses right? And if you do I'll always be proud of you no matter what she said thanks he said as she pecked his lips.

At the arena.

Roman's pov

Dude I'm happy you got your girl back but if she hurt you again she's dead meat... thank you big bro... no prob just doing my job by protecting my baby brother!! Seth gives him a manly hug as they go there seperate ways.

Dean's pov

REBECCA QUIN LOPEZ HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BROTHER YOUR LUCKY I CAN'T SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR....WOAH Dean calm down dude I'm sorry dean i swear i apologize.. it kills me everyday the guilt i wake up thinking about what i did to him i go to sleep thinking about what i did to him and honesty if i could take back what i did him i would... dean chill bro... its fine seth said ok but i accept since your life is miserable whatever she said as they hug.

Zhara's pov

I hate being in prison!!!!! But when i get out...... I'm coming for you Becky and i will get sethie back!!

Becky's pov

She's obviously delusional obviously said seth. I love you so much colbs i love you more bex... NOT POSSIBLE COLBS Becky said as she went into the bathroom to take a shower leaving seth speechless.

The following night

Colby's pov

I'm on the balcony thinking about how good it is for everything to be back to normal............ baby? What's wrong? Nothing I'm just so happy to have you back!! Zhara locked up! Aww baby..... me too!! Secky Brollins for life she said as she smashed there lips together..... I love you Colbs i love you m- not possible becky said as she interrupted seth... whatever he said as they both let out a laugh.

Guess what??!!?! I've updated sorry its been weeks i got my phone taken again!! I just got it back today!! Leave what you think in the comment section. As usual dont forget to vote and comment!! I love you all and thank y'all for y'all love and support....... I'm working on the next chapter for this book and Becky's problems!! I love yall and i hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I love y'all!! Kira out😘

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