Lexi I'm sorry!!

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Becky's pov

I know who did it!! It was.....BROCK!! I KNEW IT! HE'S BEEN JEALOUS OF COLBY SINCE DAY ONE BECKY SCREAMED! But he's gonna pay yes he is.

Joe's pov

Bex. We all know he did it we just need a plan to get him to confess. Anyone got any ideas?

Dean's pov

Ohh!! Me!! I do!! Dean screamed from the right side of the room. Dean we are not about to here your dumb idea!! Ever!! You play to much and you never take anything seriously so why on God's good earth would we listen to you said becky. Everyone shared a laugh after hearing Becky said God's good earth! After that dean walk out without saying a word.

Becky's pov

Oh man! I think we hurt his feelings! We'll talk to him after we get finish making this plan! Brock's gonna be so sorry he even touched seth! And when he confesses his gonna get fired. How do you know asked charly. Because i overheard vince and trip talking with steph and they said whoever did it and they find out gonna get fired.

Dean's pov

I'm at home just in the bed chillin i hate that my friends take me as a joke. If they are even my friends. Especially Roman he's suppose to be my brother and take up for me not laugh at me. But it's all good. Because I'm not gonna talk to them. I hope there happy they can finally do there plan without me interfering. They dont need me. And since they don't need me i don't need them either! And becky i thought she was my Bestfriend but i guess i was wrong.

Lexi's pov

Hey guys what's up? Nothing much about to head to the house make sure Colby's ok. Tell him i hope he feels better. Thanks!! I will. Becky said as she hugged lexi and walked away.

At Becky and Seth's house...

Colby's pov

Hey babe. Hey she said as goes and bends down to his level and smash there lips togethers. I love you she said quietly love you more he said. So how are you feeling? She asked. Sore but I'm getting stronger. My legs are still really weak i tried walking on them but my legs are still weak he said quietly. Hey don't beat yourself up you'll get there. I promise!!

Lexi's pov

Hey girl guess what? Lexi said over the phone happily and loudly. What?! Becky asked waiting on the news. I'm in a relationship!! Congrats!! I'm so happy for you!! Who is he? His name is kyle he's in NXT!! Look lex i know you might hate me. But be careful i just dont want him to break your heart like the last one did. Its ok bex. Your just looking out for me but he want!! I gotta go but love you girl lexi said love you more and don't get pregnant becky said as the two started laughing i want!! I promise. Good. Night Becky said goodnight lexi said as she hung up.

Joe's pov

I wish jon would answer my calls and texts. I know he hates me but i just want to apologize I'm his older brother I'm suppose to look out for him not laugh at him. I feel like im losing both of my brothers. Seth's banged up bad. And jon hates me!

Renee's pov

Babe please talk to me! Renee begged. I don't want to talk about nee he said quietly. Ok but when your ready let me know. Ok? I'm here for you. Ok. Thank you!! Love you nee he said as they hugged and kissed. Love you more she mumbled into the kiss.

Lexi's pov

So are you guys gonna let me in on the plan? She asked innocently yes. You get to make sure no one's coming! Hot dog! Lexi said sarcastically and not happy. Look lex your small he can easily hurt you. Becky said as she seen the hurt in her eyes. As the tears threatened to spill she ran out crying. Lex wait talk to me I'm sorry lex don't do this! Becky screamed as she chased her. Lexi! Why?!? Why bex why did you have to hurt her feelings!?!?

Finn's pov

Hey guys have yall seen bayley? No sorry dude. Ugh dude calm down! She's been gone for hours and i can't find her! Maybe she went with sash to the doctor. Oh yea forgot! He said laughing. Just worried.

Brock's pov

Since seth is at home banged up! I'm the star of the men's divison! He said with a smirk. Seth Rollins is nothing! He's a nobody brock said as he walked away.

Roman's pov

I enjoy being the best men in the men's divison. I'm just feeling in for seth. But i really want him back! He's a way better person for this spot than i am! But i enjoy filling in for him while he get better stronger than ever.

Lexi's pov

I'm at home. I don't have a match so im not at raw. I didn't want to deal with bex. It hurts she thinks I'm small and cant handle them. I'm just as strong as becky, Charlotte, ronda, carmella, liv, sonya, mandy, peyton, billie, naomi, nia, tamina..and any other women in this division. I just don't get why she's treating me like a baby. But I'm good because she's not my real friend. I thought she was my Bestfriend i thought she'd be happy for me. I thought she'd believe in me and make me feel like i am strong just like all the other women! But i was wrong she think of me as a small pathetic loser. Lexi said as she started crying.

Becky's pov

Nae! Hi girl how are you and jim? Were good and you and seth? Were good. How is he she asked he's banged up but he's getting stronger. Have you seen lexi? No sorry.. i heard what happened. I swear nae i didn't mean to make her cry! I know. She want answer my calls or texts and she want answer the door. I'm worried i need her she's my bestfriend! She want even look at me i saw her in the store yesterday and she walked right passed me and when i looked at her she avoided me. Dang girl we'll figure it out right now here comes your boo!! Shut up becky said as she lightly pushed her arms while sharing a laugh.

Colby's pov

When i wheel up to becky i see her laughing and talking to trin. Hey! She said hugging me how are you?!?! Good. Better. Getting stronger. I missed you she said. Missed you more he said. Well glad you feelin better. Thanks!! Well I'll leave you 2 too it naomi said while walking away and winking at becky. Hey baby she said as she bent down to his level and sits down in his lap lightly. Does this hurt? She asked looking deep into his eyes. No I'm fine he said quietly. Baby? Tell me i don't want to hurt you. I'm serious I'm just quiet because my throat is sore. Love you she said smashing there lips together! Love you more.

Roman's pov

Lexi will not answer my calls or texts!! I have to ppl who hates me! Wow this day just keeps getting better and better roman says sarcastically as he rolls his eyes. Ok guys let get this plan going! Yeaaaaaaa everyone screamed!

Hey peeps its Kira the plan will be told in the next chapter and it will be done!! Will it backfire? Or will they get brock? Stay tuned! Find out in the next chapter? What will lexi do? Leave what you think in the comment section! I love you all....thank you for your love and support! I hope you enjoy! As usual don't forget to vote and comment! Kira out😘

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