I'll always come back to you!!

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Becky's pov

Baby? Becky said as she tried waking him. Hum he said quietly. Can we talk? Yes what's up? Um so the doctors are gonna come in here in 10 minutes to run those tests. And it determines if you can ever wrestle again or not.

Colby's pov

I feel my heart drop when becky tells me i may not be able to wrestle again. Ever. Um...i-i-i...but i love wrestling its my passion its what i love to do. I know baby I'm sorry she said.

2 hours later....after the tests...

Colby's pov

I've never been more nervous in my life me e-either c-colby. After thinking about him may not be able to wrestle again it comes to his mind. What if i can't ever wrestle again? What if i have to relinquish the belt? What if i be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of my life? All those questions ran threw his mind over and over bex....Colby says quietly. What if i can't wrestle ever again? I worked so hard for this belt. I worked so hard to get to the top and know i might have to start right back at the bottom! Colby screamed.

Becky's pov

Baby...calm down your gonna make your headache worse look at me she said cupping his cheeks as tears roll down his cheeks. Your gonna be able to wrestle ok? I have faith in you you need to also. Your gonna get better be back stronger then you ever been. Your gonna let your body rest and be back and better ok? Ok thanks your welcome love after they hug the doctor knocks and comes in.

Nurse: hi I'm doctor johnson the man said who looks likes he's in his mid-forties. Hi doc said bex hi said colby. How are you two? Dr. Johnson asks good and you? Good thanks for asking. So Colby i have bad news and good news. I'll take the bad news first.
Ok um well you can't wrestle Becky's heart dropped knowing her husband couldn't do what he loved anymore. And the good new is you can't wrestle for 2 years total Becky lifted her head quickly and smiled thank you doc your welcome just doing my job. Dr. Johnson said as he leave the room.

Becky's pov

See. You did it! Thank you he said in tears aww she said as she bent down and smashed there lips together.

2 days later at home.....

Colby's pov

It feels good to be home! SURPRISE EVERYONE SCREAMED WELCOME HOME COLBY!! Omg i-i-i I'm speechless....i-i-i don't even know what to say. Thank you guys I love you guys we love you they shout and do a group hug. Ok now lets party! Everyone's having a good time you knew about this? Colby asked as becky say down beside him in there bedroom. Maybe! I love you she said as she tried to kiss him but he moved away. What's wrong? Becky do you think brock's stronger than me? Tell the truth. Um honestly yes. She said as she could see the disappointment and hurt in his eyes. Thank you for telling the truth. He said a little hurt. I'm sorry please don't be upset. I'm not look I'm gonna go find roe I'll see you later he said as he wheeled out in his wheelchair. Seth wai-

Becky's pov

What did i just do? Becky asked as she got in the bed and cried and cried.

The next morning

Becky's pov

When i wake up i check my phone after that i text seth but no answers. I roll out of bed and go have a long warm shower while thinking about how to fix Colby and i's relationship.

At the arena....

Still Becky's pov

I'm on way to the arena when i get a call from steph saying its cancelled because its storming and thundering. When i get into some comfy clothes i get on the couch and next thing you know pow lights and power gone! Off! Like wow this day could not get worse!

Becky's pov

Sitting on the couch doing nothing i hear something at the door. When i opened it i see colby soked and my jaw dropped. OMG BABY! COME IN ARE YOU OK? Becky I'm sorry i left just needed some time alone and i just had to make sure you were okay! I still care about you bex. I never stopped loving you and i shouldn't be here. Colby shut up and kiss me she said as she bent down to his level and he smashed there lips together.

Colby's pov

I hate being in this wheelchair he said sadly. I'm so sorry i know you do. I know i should've come here but i had to make sure you were ok but I'm not even strong enough because I'm stuck in a wheelchair just pathetic! I feel like I'm not even healing! Its just irritating he said almost yelling. I feel like a loser I'm a failure I'm failing my wife! I can't protect you. You have to take care of me when I'm suppose to be taking care of you.

Becky's pov

COLBY DANIEL LOPEZ! DONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN! Its not your fault you was attacked! I'm proud of you and everything you've accomplished! Your a strong and brave man. And I want you to know i love you and I'm proud of you okay? Really? Really. Love you more becky! He said as the shared a long and passionate kiss. Ok lets get you in some warm and dry clothes and I'll make you some hot tea and we can sit on the couch and just chill. After changing they hang out and talk until he see her asleep. He tries he best to pick her up and she wakes up. Its ok baby thank you she said sleepily you need to heal not try and carry me love you go to sleep she said as she started to push him she gets him out of the wheelchair and tucks him in. She goes to her side of the bed and gets comfy. You can lay on me it want hurt nothing. I don't want to hurt you babe.

The next Monday raw...

Bayley's pov

Bex how's seth? He's good still banged up but he's good. Thanks for asking no prob sasha said she think brock attacked him but we'll have to find out.

Becky's pov

I'm walking to my car and next thing I know someone in a black face masks starts talking to me i attacked seth! Why? Because he deserved it! He's a nobody! Who are you you sicko?!? Becky screamed! You'll never know irish then said as he walked away.

Becky's pov

When i get home me and colby slides in bed he falls asleep. I pull his hair out of his face behind his ear. Then i sit there and think about who was behind the mask. Who could have attacked seth? I though over and over. OMG!! I KNOW WHO DID IT!! IT WAS....

Hey peeps its Kira such a cliffhanger 🤣😂. Who do you think was under the mask? Who do you think attacked seth? Find out in the next chapter. Sorry about being a cliffhanger just so use to being that! Thank you all so much for you love and support. I love you all so much. As usual don't forget to vote and comment! Love y'all Kira out😘

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