15.) Knew it Was Time

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A/N: sorry for the delay, lovies!!

Don't worry I got a plan- just really realllllllly having a hard time figuring it out! Lol

Xx 😘😘

"As you can see- nothing is going according to plan, Jim! Bring them the fuck over here, now!," Thomas, the little prick, who does he really think he's scaring?

"I'm not going a meter closer until I get my pay- you have an hour. I'll wait.,"

Yes. I'll admit. I do feel a bit badly about bargaining with children, aside from the little spawn of satan in pink sitting in the back seat.

Anyway- this part of the plan was a big one to agree to at first. Even now, my stomach feels a twinge or two as I look at Lily through the review mirror.

"Let's all go about for some ice cream- whatdya say, hmm?," I announce our new destination trying my best to disguise my irritation with a chipper tone of voice.

"I don't want any bloody ice cream! I want to see Papi RIGHT NOW!," Charlie then begins to screech in a shrill pitch that I'm sure all the dogs of London can hear!

"C-Can we still see Papi, Jimmy?," Richie pipes up, trying his best to speak above the noise of a now extremely disgruntled Charlie who is mumbling something about hating "that fat ugly liar."

"....is he all better now?," Richie asks, this time with a quiver to his tone.


How do you react when the love of your life comes back from the dead? How the bloody hell should I know?!

I don't want to waste time with further questioning. With all the tears in my eyes clouding my vision, I never miss my mark.

I lift my head away from her chest as she's cradled me inside of her arms, letting me claw her sides. Ive basically been sinking my nails into her flesh to be sure that this is real. That this isn't just some dream, like all the others where I would wake up from my dreamers ball and be alone again. But this is real. This is her. She's come back to me now and I haven't the slightest care in the world of how. At least not in this moment.

As gently as my trembling hands can manage, I slide my palm along her bruised jaw until my fingers reach behind her ear. I want to murder whoever the culprit is for damaging her this way. She's beaten with marks of black and blue. The memories of yesterday's long ago, fly back to me. I stare in her eyes and my heart just know what to do next.

And in the seconds it takes for my lips to reach hers, I feel the strips of my tattered heart begin to string together again. Her kiss is the sweetest taste I've ever known. Her lips are still in-sync with mine despite all the thoughts that run through me. I push them away and only focus on the here and now. I try to press all of me into her through our kiss— a kiss that time has stopped for. A steamy, ferocious kiss that could melt the whole planet into a puddle.

Her fingers comb through my hair and I feel that static electrifying my love back to life again. I feel the fire burning through her fingertips and the shockwave of two souls reconnecting. I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms around her waist even tighter— I'll never let her go.

Too many bitter tears are raining down and in between our lips. My whimpering won't cease no matter how hard I try to convince myself of this reality— it could very well just be another hellish dream. But she's never felt this real before, she's never responded in this way. With her heart—her whole heart. Not in my dreams anyway..

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