27.) In Hope, I breathe

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Ello lovies!
I totally meant to make this longer but I cut the chapter— sorry!

So, I've hinted to the fortune teller here and there for a couple of chapters now.

I think it's time you heard about her.

This chapter is all Cherie's POV in a flashback.

I can't wait to connect these pieces for you!



Cherie meets Misty~*

"So that's the visiting center. You've already seen the way to the therapy room— your first one on one session will be in about an hour. I'll be right out here for you two to say your goodbyes and from now on any visitors will not be allowed back here....,"

The nurse explains everything in a monotone, cold voice like she's just reciting her literature. Something about her gives me the creeps.

Freddie turns to have a look inside the room, walking around the small enclosure, peering at the scratches along the walls. There are two beds and I assume the one that's still made is mine.

He puts my luggage down, unzipping it slowly as if it's the toughest thing he's ever had to concentrate on—still he says nothing.

Walking over to him, I brush my hand down his arm, trying to sooth him and waiting for him to look up at me, speak—just say anything. Anything about not leaving me here.

His eyes finally meet mine and I can see that he's having an internal battle. I guess it's time for my mask to shine. For his sake, I have to give this a go.

"It's fine, Freddie. I'll be okay here, don't worry.."

He looks around at the cold white walls again, his brows furrowed over the glossy gleam to his eyes. He stares at the corner where my bed post starts as if he'd find his answers within the dry paint.

Nodding his head slowly, he looks down at me, quickly wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling us closer together.

I can hear him breathe in deeply as he puts his face against mine, his hand cradles the back of my head and he holds me in the tightest hug he can manage as his breathing quickens.

"I'm sorry, Angel. I-I feel rather selfish. I don't want to leave you here....I just want you with me all the time...,"

He doesn't let me go, his arms wrap around me even tighter. I didn't think that was possible. But, for this moment to remain in my memory bank to give me strength, I let him crush my body against his and breathe in his wonderful scent.

"Sorry to interrupt!," A younger nurse enters the room now with a bit too much chirp for my liking. Freddie releases his grip, but still never lets me go. "Say hello to your roommate, Misty. Misty, this is-,"

"Cherie. Yes, I know.," The woman responds.

She doesn't make eye contact as she walks into the room. She's quite short in stature, her eyes don't even seem fully open as she maneuvers toward her bed, sitting on the edge facing the high window.

"I'll let you two get acquainted. Sir, if you wouldn't mind following me to the exit, it's time for you to leave her now..," the nurse motions for Freddie to follow her.

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