30.) At Rainbows End

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Hellooooo again my beauties!!!
Is it happening?!

Ok. But how many times can I repeat that?!
Answer: Fredeverrrrrrrrr 🥰

Hello filler. Been gone for so long, I forgot where I was in the story Lolololol

Mental break and what not. If I'm ever gone for more than a week- just consider me dead. Ok? Alright. Cool.

For now, I have the next chapter but imma wait to add more 🙃 and then the fun begins 😈



"Mmmm," Freddie smears his lips across mine, quickly humming into my mouth before smacking my ass with a smile as he walks away.

"Gotta get back, love!," He winks at me, blowing me a kiss before turning around, giving his ass a little shake as he heads back. I giggle at his enthusiasm as he jogs back up the stage ramp to finish the show.

I watch in complete admiration for the stamina of this man— sweat dripping from every pore, voice tired and gruff but still he manages to woe the crowd and command constant applause.

He struts onto the stage like a Persian poppin-Jay. His long legs taking him forward, with his crowned head held high, one hand on his mic, the other clipping his royal robe around his shoulders.

He demands everyone's attention and he's got them eagerly nipping out of the palms of his hands. All eyes glued to his stride as he walks to the center of the stage, taking it all in, giving his hips a little jive with his toe tapping.

He turns and sits at the grand piano, placing his crown among the stack of plastic cups that cover the piano, flicking the draping over the bench so that it cascades behind him— nothing less than magnificent. He silences the audience with one finger held up in the air as he positions his lips in front of the microphone.

🎶 "I've paid my dues....
Time after time....," 🎶

"Mummy, I want to go on stage this time!
Puh-puh-pleaaaaase!," Charlie's eyes have had stars in them all night long, she loves to watch her father and uncles seamlessly rock every song. She continues to beg with folded hands as I pick her up to get her off of the raised platform her and Richie have been standing on to watch the show and the crowd.

I shake my head, but keep a smile on my lips as I turn to lift Richie off of the raised platform next. "Not right now, Char. You have to wa—-,"

"Mum! Mummy! Look! Char's on stage!," Richie starts tugging on my shirt for me to turn around, as he hops up and down impatiently pointing to his sister prancing toward the stage.

What help security is.
They're all just smiling at her.

"Charlie! Get back here...," My attempts at calling her back to me are drowned out by the sudden uproar of cheers from the crowd.

I grab ahold of Richie's hand to walk directly up the ramp, just behind the curtain. Freddie's left the piano, he's at the top of the stage again, a puff of his chest, heaving out every lyric from deep within . There's no doubt that he doesn't realize what's going on behind him.

🎶 "We are the champions my friends...
And weeeeeeee'll keep on fightiiiiiiiiin til the end....."🎶

John turns around, catching my eye and shrugging his shoulders when he sees me watching. Of course, he probably thinks I said it was okay, so he continues to play.

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