38.) Another One Bites the Dust (Part 1)

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A\N: Woah okay. First time writing a chapter on a laptop and HOLY HELL why didn't I do this sooner?!


Here's a narrative/idfkwhat version of the night in question. The night that goes BOOM.

This is mostly background building.

Are ya ready> Are ya ready for THIS?

Are ya....tired of my shit?
yup me too.

But, keep reading you scallywags- I'm almost finished!

ahhaaha. I really love and appreciate all of you for keeping up with this bloody (literally) love story! Hope you'll follow along on the next adventure :)



Jimmy walks steadily down the hallway, back into the elevator that now chimes to its open doors. He gives a stiff nod to his hostages as they watch him creep into the lift. Each of them feeling the massive degree of intent plummeting into their guts.

Jim feels the weight of the world on his shoulders as he stands beside a jittery Ceci. I better try to warn him, Jim thought. Now that Jimmy's waiting outside, I can just call Freddie and tell him-

As soon as the door upstairs opens, I hide away, back into the hotel suite. But Ceci is still frozen in her tracks when confronted.

"Ceci! Omg we thought you didn't make it!" though Jim has never really talked to the woman, he knows her from afar.

"C-come on, K-Kash...," Ceci takes a moment to quickly clear her throat, swallowing the lump of fear palpating in it.

She knows Jim has a gun. She knows if she makes one misstep, it'll be her last.

Filing away into the sitting room, Jim pulls his phone from his jacket and calls straight away. But Freddie doesn't answer, over and over again. So Jim just does the next best thing and sends his warning through text.


The night is whirling together with everyone sipping champagne and heavy servings of hard liquor. The emotions run so high, Cherie feels every single doubt that clouded her mind turn to mist and evaporate in the air that hangs so thick with love.

"I got you a little something," Freddie's twitching smile makes her heartbeat skip a measure, still even after all this time. "It matches the one from our wedding day...,"

"Oh, Papi! It's perfect!," Cherie squeals in delight upon the reveal of a single precious pearl enclosed in a velvet box.

"You can string them both together... I don't know maybe on our next vow renewal I'll get you another," Freddie chuckles as he closes the box and tucks it back into his jacket pocket.

He leans over in his seat, puckering his luscious pink lips only to receive a smashing kiss from an overly emotional Cherie. She dabs the corners of her eyes as their lips pull apart. Never in a million years would she trade their love for another.

Freddie's thoughts spring to him in wonder of how he could ever try to replace this type of euphoria. Though their journey might have been difficult and laced with heartbreaking consequences, he's happy about where they are now.

"Come on, Fred! We've got the nanny, time to start up this bad boy," Kash exclaims, giddy and giggly with the warmth of alcohol causing her to sputter her words.

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