43.) Great King Rat Died Today

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Marys POV:

"They're still down there!," Brian stammers. His head swings back to the hectic shouting happening down the hillside.

"He's got them at gun point," My voice is but a whisper as I keep watch for some sign of the police car. We can hear the sirens in the distance.

"He's what?!," Cherie tries to fight against the paramedic treating her wounds. The ambulance has crashed into the road divide as it tried to swerve out of the way from hitting Cherie at the last moment. "Let me go— that's my husband!,"

"Ma'am, we're going to need you to stay put-," the paramedic grabs her arms, holding her back from falling as her legs give out. She's half blinded by the blackened bruises making her eyes puff. The hollows of her cheeks are decorated just the same.

"Like hell— if you all are not going to help-," I say as I planned to go down there and intervene.

"We're trained to deal with this. I'm going to calm them down," The second EMT cuts me off as she starts walking away.

I leave Cherie with the paramedics, Deacy and Brian by her side the entire time. Deacy's consoling her, but she doesn't even know what's happening. She's cracked her egg and with good reason.

"Brian!," I hiss at him to stop fidgeting and pay attention. He's a nervous wreck! "The children are in my car down the road— that way," I point out and he nods his head, though he seems to still not be connecting what I'm saying.

"Brian, snap out of it! Go on and get the children,"

"Yes— yes of course. The children....," Still far away, he nods his head in agreement as he pries his eyes away from the scene down the hill. The shouting is terrifying.

Sneakily creeping along behind the paramedic, she stops in her tracks when she hears the crunch of snow beneath my feet. Lifting her finger to her lips to signal her quiet approach, I nod my head understanding.

For a split second, my eyes meet Rogers piercing blue glance. Luckily he doesn't stare, maybe he understands that it'll just tip Jimmy off.

"Stop. Who's that?," The EMT puts her hand up for me to halt on the spot as finally Jim emerges from the tour bus. He's bleeding purfusely from a deep gash on his forehead, limping a trail a blood as he nears Freddie, Jimmy and Roger.



"You think I'll just allow you to go on being happy with her while I get the shitty end of the deal?!,"

With their hands level with their heads, Roger and Freddie try to deescalate the situation. They have every right to tell this fucker off, but with a gun holding them to the spot, there's no way out and I'm not even sure how to intervene.

I stay hidden near the tour bus, just close enough to hear but out of Jimmys view with his back turned to me. If Roger and Freddie can see me, I just need them to play along for a little while longer.

"How much money do you want?!," Freddie yells, his face is contorted so viciously it seems painful. The veins of his neck look about ready to burst as his chest heaves up and down rapidly.

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