35.) The Masterstroke

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If you were confused before.....
It's about to get a wee bit topsy-turntyyy here

Or whatever that expression goes.
I can't English anymore.

Let me have your guesses! Opinions! And rants!
Hehhehe. You know I live for the dark chapters

Here we go.



The roads turn into dead ends and alley-ways with out even a slight warning sign. I can't figure out my way around the foreign city and gps is really no help at the moment.

"No, you were supposed to turn up there— here! Turn here," Hutton belched in my ear...well, he might as well have been belching cus I can't understand a thing he says half of the time. Big ogre.

Ok, now I'm on track. I think I can figure out the location. Now the tricky part is making it into the party. But, that's why we have Ceci.

Her constant groaning and rough kicks to the back of my chair, does nothing but excite me. That heinous look in her eye reminds me of Cherie. I'd love to see if they share the same shocked expressions from the consequences of disobedience. Ceci has that tight, bodacious silhouette— just the kind of girl I like. She's a tough little thing, isn't she?

I'd like to put her under control.

My lustful thoughts of what I presume to be such a naughty nanny start to unfold from the dark parts of my brain. Thoughts of she. Thoughts of me: smelling her hair, whipping it around my arm, tugging her close to me. Stripping her clothes off, listening. To her whimpers through the knotted cloth stuffed in that pretty little mouth. Before I can lose my concentration my fantasy is interrupted by the belching ogre once again.

"So, what do you plan on doing...you know, should they not agree?," Jim asks and I quickly have to take my eyes off of the road to squint at him in disbelief of his stupidity—Big. Dumb. Ogre.

"They aren't going to be given the chance to not agree. Either they do or.....," I pick up the gun from the side of my seat, pointing it to his face, I can almost see his entire expression turn to one of utter horror when I pretend to pull the trigger, "Another one bites the dust..."



I really don't see what the big deal is! We all stood in for Christmas Eve, dressed to the nines down to the manicures, but it's past midnight and now I can't even change into something comfortable. The girls practically screeched in my face when I asked one of them to help me out of my dress.

"I think," I take a deep breath, feeling a bit woozy with the head rush I get standing up so quickly. "I think— I'm better off going to bed or at least taking this dress off...,"

I sit back down on the edge of the couch. My head is spinning; My stomach twirling. I don't know how many bottles of wine we went through in such a short amount of time.

"We're going up for drinks! There's no time to change, the guys are probably off their tits by now!," Anita explained, her eyes darting back and to Rose who was still texting away on her phone.

"Nevermind her. Let's just go on up then, the four of us. Cher, Fred said he's coming down to get you," Rose nods her head at the girls who all have tight, suspicious smiles on their faces as they get up to leave the room.

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