Chapter 2- Happy Child

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(Lou's POV )
I hugged back, filled with joy. I saw a smaller boy behind my child, Nick. I guessed he was about 12 as I noticed that he was also holding a doll. But I couldn't see long enough due to Nick bringing me in front of him. He studied my features and ran his gentle fingers through my hair. Nick had short, brown, wavy hair and big brown eyes. A few freckles decorated his beige skin.
He turned to the smaller boy as he started talking.
"Did you get a doll? Is it a boy? Can our dolls be best friends?"
The smaller boy asked, eagerly. Nick sighed as he looked at his mother "Fine, Nathan. They can be friends". The mother smiled approvingly and left the room. I assumed that Nathan was Nick's younger brother because they had similar features.
Nick hesitantly set me down on the table. Nathan sat on a chair close to me. He brought out his doll, who had short, brown hair with a single green stripe and mismatch eyes. One purple, and one green. He has different lengthed sleeves, had no socks with his shoes and his vest was a little off. The doll was smaller than me, I noticed as Nathan sat the doll beside me. I was internally shocked when I realized that the doll was Nolan. Nathan started making a voice that was supposed to be Nolan's.
"Hi, I'm Nolan. What's your name? " He asked, gently turning Nolan's head slightly at me.
"Hi, my name is... " Nick looked at me closely and scanned the inside of my sweater. "... Lou. It's nice to meet you too. " I assumed that my name was on the tag in the sweater....
"I like your outfit, Lou. It the bestest I've ever seen. "
"Um," Bestest" isn't a word.Proper dolls have good vocabulary." This kid new exactly what I was thinking.
"Hey! Nick, why is your doll a jerk? " Nathan questioned, clearly annoyed. I contained my laughter as best I could, and so did Nick.
"Well... Um, that's the reason he has a fancy suit underneath his sweater. He's a leader, or someone important. "
Nathan thought about this and replied "I guess that makes sense... Anyways, Lou we could be best friends. Maybe even more." He started smiling big. I felt awkward and confused.
"Best best friends? " Nick asked Nolan (Still making a voice
for me) He smiled nervously.
"No, silly. If we get along maybe we can get married" Nathan exclaimed. My heart skipped a beat, but I couldn't do anything. Nick suddenly hugged me close to him, a bit tighter than before. "Unlike you, my doll isn't gay, ok ? When will you understand that I don't care about that stuff?"  Nick raised his voice, which sent chills down my spine. In the distance you could hear the mother hollering
"Nick leave your brother alone. " Nathan looked down at his feet, as Nick made his way up some stairs, still hugging me tight. We entered into what seemed to be his room. He sat me up against a soft pillow, and laid in front of me. He sighed with a shaky breath while looking at my smile, that I've had on since I arrived. He stared at nothing and started sniffling. I could sense he was sad, but all I could do was watch.
"Nick, Nathan. Can I have a talk with you two? " The mother called out from downstairs.
Nick wiped his face and replied with a casual "Coming".
"I'll be right back" He assured me,leaving me alone in his room. I could hear chattering downstairs, as my curiousity grew, so did the urge to get closer, to hear. I slid down the dark, Grey blankets and made my way to the stairs. I hid behind a wall corner. I could hear everything clearer now.
"I know it may not be easy, Nick. But we have to support your brother. It's hard for him too. He already gets picked on at school. And Nathan... I'm not sure what to even say... "
I tried to hear better, but a different voice came from behind me and whispered lightly "Lou? What are you doing here? "
I glanced over my shoulder to see Nolan with a concerned look on his face.

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