Chapter 18- Sleep, Nolan, Sleep

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Lou's POV )
"He didn't survive the fall. That's what the news is saying. It's probably true anyways, considering he fell from a very high place. " Lydia informed me. I didn't feel anything though, it's as if they were just a bunch of words that meant nothing.
Just then, Dr. VioletRose entered the room, almost skipping.
"Good news, Lou... "
My lips turned into a smile.
(Is Nolan ok? Can I see him now? )
"... Your injuries have pretty much healed, so you could leave now. "
My heart seemed to ignore the good news. I guess It really wanted to see Nolan.
"So, I can visit Nolan? " I smiled a sad smile.
"Of course you can. But when you leave, just try to avoid carrying heavy things for awhile. " She gave me a friendly wink. I immediately jumped off of the bed, while whipping the blankets off my body. I ran toward the doctor and hugged her. My face beamed as I realized that I could be a visitor and see Nolan. She chuckled while hugging me back.
" Where is Nolan? " I asked eagerly as we broke the hug.
"He's in room 8, down the hall, on the left. " she pointed down a hall that glowed white, and was completely empty. I nodded, in excitement and raced down the hall, keeping my head turned to the left.

Finally I reached a door that read "08". I screeched to a halt, as I examined the door. I took a few deep breaths, and entered. My palms seemed to get warmer and moist. I approached the bed, which held a doll. Sure enough, it was Nolan. I inhaled silently, as he just lay there. Motionless. His bandages had been removed, but he was hooked up to multiple machines. Which almost scared me. I could only imagine how Nolan was feeling. I approached him, while noticing that he was wearing one of those hospital gowns. The soft, white blanket folded at his waist, revealing his upper body that was wrapped in a faded
blue gown.
"Oh, Nolan. I'm so sorry" My lip quivered slightly and my eyes released a few tears . I watched his chest rising and relaxing, with each steady breath. I brushed away a few hairs that dangled on his fragile face. I lay my hand on his cheek, while the other held his small, soft hand. I gave him a gentle peck on the lips, and smiled in a hopeful manner. I guess I subconsciously was waiting for him to open his eyes, but he never did.
"I'm sorry, Nolan. I should've protected you... " I bent down to hug him, and hold him close.
"I guess we'll just have to deal with this for now. But I'll wait for you, mi amor. Siempre. " I kissed his forehead lovingly and studied his face more. Even though his mystical eyes couldn't be seen, his uneven freckles made up for it. So did the green in his hair.
"I love you so much, mi florecito" I whispered to him while rubbing his hands. He was so vulnerable in this state, I didn't want to leave him. And when it was time to leave him, I'm gonna be honest, I wasn't the most cooperating, but at least, I hadn't had another outburst.
"Were sorry, sir. But visiting hours are finished for the day. But feel free to come back tomorrow. " The last nurse nudged me out of the building. I sighed, as I started walking. I wasn't even sure where I was walking, but I needed to. I strolled the dark sidewalks and empty streets as thoughts and memories crossed my mind.

What if he never wakes up?
I can't leave him... Even for Nick...
What will Nathan think?
Where will I sleep?

"Hey Lou" I heard a voice greet me. I looked up, at a smaller green bunny whos ears were down and floppy.
"Oh, hey Ox" I replied, stopping to see the rabbit.
"I just wanted to say, how sorry I am. Although, words aren't enough sometimes. " He reached his hand out. In his fuzzy palm, were two keys, each with a different pattern. He pointed to one that was perfectly white, with a L curved into it.
"This key is for your new home. " I smiled softly as he pointed to one that reminded me of nolan. It was purple, but had a green music note in the Centre.
"This is Nolan's key, to his house. I thought that since you seem really close with him, you could have it. " He then handed me the pair of keys. I stroked Nolan's key, holding back tears.
"Thank you, ox. I'm sorry too. "
"No worries, I'm sure everything will turn out fine. "
".... " As much as I wanted that to be true, I knew that it might not.
"It was stupid of me to forbid you to stay at the institute alone... From now on you can go where you please"
I smiled at my former best friend.
"Of course... As long as you don't go crazy again.. "
I chuckled. Not just at his mild joke, but his accent as well . We hugged each other goodbye after he told me a few other things.

'Ah, what a green bean... '
I thought to myself, while walking towards my new home. Apparently, when I left, they had destroyed all the building in the institute, including my home. Coincidently, my new home was just across the street from Nolan's house. As I entered the home, all I could feel was emptiness, like I've been misplaced. The majority of things in the house were white, but some items were blue or silver. I flopped onto a white, puffy bed and closed my eyes, exhausted from the day. I tilted my head up, to angle my view perfectly at the house across from me.
(Life always balances out... Maybe my presence in the big world, cost Nolan his ability to move, talk or see... No, it couldn't... But that means... It's all my fault....It IS my fault.... )

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