Chapter 17- How Is Nolan

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Lou's POV )
My vision was blurred, but my hearing was better. Better than ever before. Or at least that's what it seemed like. I could make out only a few words clearly.
"... heart rate.... Concussion... Severe.... Charging... Clear...
Time.... Death... Dislocated... "
I could see colors of white and Grey wrap around me. And I could see a few figures floating in and out of the room. I couldn't see faces, but I could tell that I wasn't alone. One  Other doll-like figure laid beside me in a different bed.  My vision started returning as I blinked intensily. The doll was smaller than me, and had a hair color of green and brown. He had tubes that seemed to dig into his wrists, and a patch on his leg. He had a large bandage wrapping his forehead with a faded pink to it. When my vision had returned the only thing that came out of my mouth was
"N-Nolan?... Nolan... " Suddenly the doctors that had once been blobs, approached me, some smiling, while others kept it professional.
"Alright, Since your awake, you need to stay with us, OK? "
"Stay calm... "
" sir, can you tell us what your name is? " they asked me, while one pointed a flashlight  into my eyes. I wasn't gonna answer to these morons when my loves life status was unknown to me.
"Is Nolan OK? Why does he look like that? " I squirmed a little as I tried to get up, to see, but a nurse quickly pinned me down.
"Sir? You need to calm down. Your gonna stress yourself out. We're gonna worry about you, right now ok? "
(No. NO it is not ok . Why isn't Nolan moving? I need to protect him.. )
I pushed the nurse away, swaying my feet to the side of the bed, on an attempt to get off. The nurse, positioned himself back in front of me, and held me back. Suddenly , a new doctor walked in and made his way to Nolan . I waited silently, for something to happen, and something happened alright. The doctor, nodded at a clipboard that had been set near the end of the bed. After he read and checked on Nolan, he started pushing his bed away. The room smelled like death, maybe it was the IVs that were in me. A few seconds after I realized he was being taken away, I started yelling, and becoming more violent. In my mind, I understood that maybe they were going to help him. But my legs didn't as they got up to try and follow. My arms didn't as I shoved any nurse who tried to calm me down. My heart didn't as it felt like it was shattering. "Nolan! Where are you taking him!?  Nolan....I need him.. Please don't take him away.. " Tears started gathering below my eyes.
The nurses kept trying, but eventually I was out in a bright, long hallway. I froze in place as I caught a final glimpse of Nolan's bed wheeling around the corner. But before, I could take another step,
I felt a sharp pain on my arm . The place where it hurt was very small, but it hurt, like it was piercing my skin. Thats when I looked over to my left arm. Everything seemed to go numb, as I gasped at the needle that had been injected. My legs were weak, and my heart calmed down, I felt peaceful, and relaxed. I was so relaxed that my eyes decided that their lids were heavy, and they gave in. And once again.... Darkness.

*A few hours later*
It felt like awhile, maybe an hour, maybe two. I couldn't be sure. I woke up again, but I felt like myself, not the violent one that came out earlier. My real self. I felt calm and laid-back. The first thing I noticed, was that I was in a small room. Not too small, but not big enough that another bed just like mine could fit. I glanced at my left, there was still an IV and some other kind of machine. I scanned my limp body, from my feet to my chest. Although most of it was covered with a blanket. I could still feel a tight embrace around my pointer finger. My arm felt sore, I moved it, to make sure it was there. Yup. Still there, and fully functional. Next, I looked over to my right, and saw another doctor. But it wasn't one that I had seen before. Long, wavy brown hair covered half of her face, and one amethyst colored eye could be seen, along with a friendly smile. I heard a few voices that were familiar to me. One was a male country accent. He sat in a chair and was doing some motions with his hands. There was also 2 other female dolls there. One had a British accent and the other... The other actually wasn't talking as much, but I could tell who they were as my vision returned, along with my voice.
"Ox... Tuesday... Kitty... " They all turned they're heads to me. That was the first time that dolls have looked at me and I feel uncomfortable.
The doctor approached my bed, and lay the back of her hand against my forehead. Her hand felt cold, it was gentle, but cold. Maybe that meant I was too hot?
"Goodmorning, Lou. How are you feeling? You had quite the outburst lastnight. " her smile was kind and genuine. I liked her a lot better than the other doctors. She wasn't asking me stupid questions that Me and her already knew the answer to.
"Um, I don't know... Groggy? " she chuckled a little, and moved to the side so that the other dolls were visible. Ox, Tuesday and kitty,waved to me as if I had won a medal or something. Especially Tuesday. Although she was annoying and a bit of an airhead, her intentions were always good. I noticed that the trio was missing one.
"Where's.. Lydia? "
"Shes visiting another patient right now, but she'll be back soon. "
The doctor assured me.
"By the way, I'm Dr. VioletRose. Your friends here recommended me for you. So if your OK with that, then I'll be your main doctor from now
on. " She smiled as she awaited an answer while holding a clipboard and pen.
"Sure. You seem very nice, Dr. VioletRose" She nodded and started writing with her pen. While the room fell silent it gave me time to think about all that happened. Everything. The big world, the Mountain, my outburst the previous day. I mainly thought about Nolan, and I wondered how he was doing.
"Dr. VioletRose , how's Nolan doing. " She looked up at me with a sad smile. That's when I noticed, that maybe there's a reason she changed the topic quickly.
(Maybe Lydia's visiting Nolan....but then, why is this doctor giving off a depressing  vibe... Surely he couldn't be dea.... No. No he can't. )
"He's alright, Lou, don't worry. He's alive so don't worry. " that got me worried
(Alive. Alive is great, but why not say "Alive and kicking" or "Alive and as sharp as ever"? )
"What are you not telling me? " I asked softly to her. She sighed and looked back at me
"If I tell you, you have to stay calm, alright? " I nodded
"When Nolan was found, he wasn't  just injured. It turns out that he did have a concussion awhile ago. But it didn't effect him until now. You have to keep in mind that some dolls take quite awhile to wake up... "
"Can you please just tell me!? " I raised my voice as I snapped at her. She had a hint of fear on her eyes as guilt filled mine.
"I'm sorry, I just... I can't live without him. He's my everything"
She smiled at me sweetly and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Its alright, the medication will make you have small outbursts sometimes. I also understand what you might be feeling for your friend"
I almost laughed. ("Friend"? He is not my friend, didn't you understand what I just said? "He's my EVERYTHING")
"... He's in a coma as we speak. " My heart seemed to drop. But I stayed calm on the outside.
"W-when can I visit him? "
"Hmm,you should be able to later today. Your wounds aren't that major for you to be stuck in here all day. " We chuckled for awhile, but eventually she had to leave. It was just me and the three other dolls.

"I'm sorry, Lou. " my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
(Is ox really apoligizing right now? )
"I'm sorry for not believing you or Nolan. This wouldn't have happened if I had just listened. " The 2 girls nodded as well.
"It's.. Fine. You can't undo what's already been done. " I turned away from them. Even though they were sorry and I accepted his apology, apart of me did blame them. Apart of me struggled to not yell or cuss.
Soon Lydia walked in, I straightened my back as she opened her mouth to speak. She glanced at me and waved sadly.
"Hey-oh, hi Lou... Um, Nolan's ... Fine. He's fine" that triggered me.
(What the heck do you mean "Fine")
But I kept quiet. The room fell quiet, as Lydia sat down to join the others. A small TV was placed high up in the corner of the room. A news story seemed to be focused on the events that took place at Model Mountain. Words traveled across the bottom screen
"One critical , one fatality, One Survivor "
Wait... One fatality?...
"Wait, what happened to Micheal?" I honestly didn't care, but I was still curious.
"He... Didn't make it. He didn't survive the fall. "

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