Chapter 13- The Good Doctor

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(Nolan's POV )
I crawled through the portal, gripping my stomach, with my head throbbing, and my gut hurting like heck. I did an awkward sumersault in and out of the portal. I caught a glimpse of the spy girls dragging Lou away. But they quickly vanished, behind the crowd of dolls.
"Lou! Where is Lou? " I asked Ox, as soon as I noticed he was there. Ox still faced the direction where Lou had gone.
"We have to lock him up, he's a danger to-" He stopped midsentence as his eye scanned my posture and my bruised eye.
"What happened? " ox came up to me, and comforted me with a hug.
"I told you Lou, was dangerous. He even hit his only friend, Nolan. " Micheal came from nowhere, with a sympathetic expression. But I was able to see past his act. I could see through his perfectly combed hair, his pearly white teeth, and his skilled voice changes. I saw his devil tail, his horns and the invisible wild fire that followed him and helped him burn things down .
"Your s-such a l-liar! It wasn't Lou! It was you.. " I yelled, but it hurt to even talk loud. Ox and the all the dolls turned their heads to Micheal.
"Oh, Nolan. Poor, poor Nolan. " He tilted and shook his head to the side.
"What's he talking about, Micheal? " Ox questioned Micheal, now standing beside me. 'Heh, try getting out of this one, Canalla' I thought to myself.
"Well, you see... When I got there, Lou went into a rage. He tried to beat me, and refused to leave the big world. When Nolan saw us fighting, he tried to calm Lou down, only to get hit and pushed. Nolan hit his head against the wall pretty hard. He could barely walk anymore. I was going to help him, but Lou was on a rampage, so I had to deal with him first. "
My mouth hung open in disgust and disbelief. (How? How could he lie like that? Especially in front of me)
"T-thats not true! You were the one who was being violent. " I tried to object from his story and explain.
"Oh, poor Nolan. You must have hit your head pretty bad, huh? "
Micheal approached me, and lay a hand on my shoulder and one on my forehead. I glared as he kept playing out his little lie.
"Ox, I think Nolan, should get checked out at the hospital. He also has a fever. " That did it! My fist tightened into a ball, and shot through the air towards the doll in front of me. I put all the energy I had left. Micheal grunted, and fell backwards, gripping his nose that seemed to be bleeding now. Micheal clearly didn't learn as he kept going.
"Nolan, why? I'm just trying to help. " He started "Sobbing", which caused multiple dolls to surround and comfort him. Ox gasped at the scene. He turned to me and said with a firm, loud voice.
"That's enough, Nolan. Your getting checked out. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior. " As soon as the spy girls returned, ox whispered something to Lydia, who has been the leader of the team since all the dolls moved to uglyville . The girls and ox turned to look at me, with shameful eyes.
"Go with them, they'll take you there, and make sure you don't have anymore... Outbursts. " ox instructed
"B-but he-"
"NOW" Ox yelled, pointing towards a white, blue and red building that was visible. I sighed heavily and made my way there along with the girls . Micheal sneered as his eyes seemed to imagine firing lasers through my head.

When we arrived, there were a few nurses available. I decided to just do the quick walk-in clinic, along with the girls who apparently also had problems. (Besides their selves)
When we were called in, we all took a seat. I sat in a firm white bed, while the trio sat in light Grey seats, which appeared to be more comfortable. Suddenly, A female doctor walked in. She had long, wavy brown hair, that covered one of her eyes. The eye that was visible, was a beautiful purple. A different shade than mine.
"Alright... Nolan... Apparent concussion... " She read a paper off her clipboard as she walked closer to me. When she set her clipboard down, her eyes widened in awe.
"Is something wrong? " I asked her
"No, sorry. You have fascinating eyes... "
I gave a sad smile but thanked her anyway. The doctor was nice, but I wanted to leave and look for Lou.
"Sometimes I get picked on me for them. " I explained to her.
"Well, we have something in common." she whispered with a little smile. She brushed her hair to the side, positioning herself so only could see. Her other eye was a vibrant red. A sense of wonder filled me, as I looked at both her eyes. Both different, but yet looking so perfect together.
" I'm Dr. VioletRose by the way. "
I smiled at her pretty name that went well with her eyes.

She chuckled a little,and placed her hair back. She wrote something on her board, and asked me to fill out a paper that was piled underneath the other.
"Just fill this out, sweetie. Hand it to me, when your done. " I loved how she was gentle, even if she treated my like a kid. It made me feel comfortable,and if made her seem like a caring mother. I wished I was as pretty as she was.

She strolled over to the spy girls as I skimmed through the paper, reading familiar words.
"Nolan, do you mind filling that out in the hall? Tuesday and Kitty have some personal things they'd like to discuss. "
I nodded and headed outside.

I sat on the smooth, but hard floor for only a few seconds before Lydia came out. Lydia smiled kindly and sat beside me. She watched as I filled out seperate parts of the paper.

My full name, my friends, my favorite things, my occupation,my favorite memory, etc. When I finished the quiz, I relaxed, by exhaling and lifting my chin up. I wanted to rest so
I closed my eyes. But instead of the usual darkness,i saw a doll figure, alone and devistated on the ground. They appeared to be in the same dark room, that I had once occupied. (Lou? )
My eyes shot open as that guilt, worry and fear filled my soul.
"Lydia. You know where Lou is, right? Can you help me, get him out? Please. He doesn't deserve this. You know that, right? "

She seemed to think about something. Like A memory, or a thought.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help you free him. Im the leader now, and I can't let everyone down. "
My spirit dropped, as if life itself, was ripped out of me. My eyes started trickling tears, and I guess she noticed, cause she looked worried.
"Hey, it's OK. Don't cry" she rubbed my back, but that only encouraged more tears to join. She sighed heavily, but said something that immediately lifted my spirits.
"You can't tell anyone this, so listen ... I can't help you free him, but I can tell you where he is...IF you promise not to tell. "

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