Chapter 14- Model Mountain

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(Nolan's POV )
My lips curled into a huge smile. One that I couldn't repress.
"Really? Oh thank you! Thank you " I praised her with my hands clasped together in desperation.
"Shhh. Someone will hear you " She whined.
I pressed my lips together and rested my excited body. Awaiting her response on lou's location.
"First, you'll need to go to Model Mountain. "
I squinted my eyes a little, searching my brain for the little information I had of that place. It really wasn't a mountain, more like a rocky wall, that seemed to never end.
"When you've gone up to the Centre of it, you'll find a cave. It looks dark, and is actually quite chilly. "
I nodded to show that I was listening.
"If you wander all the way in, you'll find a metal door. That's where Lou is. "
I beamed. "Thank you so much, Lydia. " I stood up, and started walking out of the hallway.
"Wait. There's a password just so you know. "
I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around eagerly.
"What is it? " I asked curiously. She stood up as well, leaning against the wall.
"Hmm. I don't know... What are you gonna do for me? "
She did a small grin, as I fiddled my thumbs.
"Uhh... I-I don't know. What do you want? "
"'bout, after you free Lou, you set up a date for him and Tuesday? It's her birthday in 2 days you see, and I want to be a good leader. A good role she still likes Lou...even though she hides it well, now. "
I stopped my outraged thoughts.
(Right. It's not like she knows about me and lou, although I'm not sure what we are either...)
I did a small sigh and agreed.
" Oh thank you Nolan. Tuesday will be so happy"
"Yeah, your welcome" I kinda mumbled at what I was agreeing to.
I didn't want to give Lou away. He's mine, he's all mine.
"Alright. The password is "Incorrect""
"But, I haven't even guessed... "
"No, you bozo. The password IS incorrect. It's simple that way, so we can remember. "
"Ohhh" I exhaled and chuckled at myself. She rolled her eyes but smiled.
I surprised her as I gave her a hug, she was taller than me, but she still managed to hug me back. I thanked her again, and skipped down the hall. I heard her pick up the paper that I had left. I glanced behind me to see her reading, I didn't mind and kept going toward the exit.
(Good. Maybe she'll convince the others that I'm not crazy)
I exited the building, proud. Nervicited, and ready.
I turned my head in every direction, trying to determine where the wall was. I remember dolls discussing it after class, or sometimes during class. Lou got mad whenever someone would bring that place up, and he would forbid us to talk about it. A vision of his displeased face crossed my mind. Although he was mad, he still looked so frickin cute. I smiled and giggled at his expression,but soon turned back to reality. That memory, that face, Lou... Gave me more courage and seemed to boost me up. Like a fully charged battery or a fire, that was given extra dry wood. Lou was my inspiration, he was apart of me, I longed to be back in his presence.
*Time Skip*
I strolled around for a bit, until I finally came across it. A light Grey wall, steep, smooth, but hard and sharp at the same time. I tilted my head all the way back, trying to see the top, but all I did was make my neck sore. No doll had ever reached the top, if there even was one. I could barely contain my excitement. I swear I could've screamed so loud that the dolls all the way across the institute could hear me.
I rested my right hand on a stone that was glued into the wall. I tugged on it to make sure it was firm. It was. I smiled, my eyes adopting a few tears. "I'm coming, Lou" I whispered, trying my best to let him know in some telepathic way.
*Time Skip*
I scaled the steep, wall as I gasped at the sudden falling stones that fell beneath my feet. Some rocks weren't as firm as the others and would let gravity take control, as they smashed to the ground. I have been climbing for awhile now. I kept managing to convince myself I was almost there. My hands had were blistered due to the white, jagged stones that peirced my fingers, I had lines on my ankles that could pass as papercuts, and my ears felt numb as I got higher and higher.
Eventually I reached for another ledge that was just above me. I laid my hand there, realizing that this ledge was not as rough as the others. I pulled myself up, with whatever strength I had left in my sore arms.
As I gasped for air, immediately recognizing the cave that was deep in the mountain. A gentle, cold breeze blew in my face, and against my hair, causing it to frizz a little. I peeked behind me and hovered over the edge, just to see how high I'd gone. The ground was no longer visible, and my ears still felt hollow. I watched as the sun began to fade I inhaled deeply, and nodded to myself in confidence. I wandered into the dark, as the light seemed to fade. The only light coming from a few fireflies that rested on the sides.
I walked for what seemed like forever, until I finally found it. Well, I almost bumped into it. My arms glided up and down, while my hands felt the frost bite, and my fingers explored it's ridges.
My Sense to touch came in handy, as I could feel a small slide door on the metal. As I slid it open, a soft creak echoed through the cave.
"Lou? Are you there, mi amor? " I called inside softly, but there was no response. Eventually, I gave up calling, and brought a large rock for me to stand on. After stepping up, I was able to look inside. I couldn't see anything, but the flickering light that swayed back and forth.
"Lou?.... Lou? " Tears were starting to form. I wasn't sure if they were because I thought Lydia lied to me, or because the thought of Lou's limp, cold, dead body  appearing in my mind. I called one last time, choking on my tears
"L-Lou, please answer me... Lou, I love you, please don't be d.... "
I couldn't repress it anymore. I let out a whimper along with my wet cheeks. I still stood at the small slide door, that was only the distance of my eyes to My mouth. My fingers dug into the metal, in frustration.
No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't see. Not even a shadow. I started losing hope.
(Maybe he's.. No, he can't be, he just can't... But there's no response. No, Lydia just lied to me, that's all... But she wouldn't do that) My thoughts seemed to argue against each other, but I was soon inturrupted.
My heart nearly stopped, and I almost stopped breathing.

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