Chapter 6- The Scar

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(Lou's POV )
I Scooted closer to him until our hips were touching. "Hey... " I said softly, causing him to turn to me. I studied his featured face and continued. "I love this look. And as long as you like it, nothing else matters. " I kissed his forehead lovingly. He glanced at me like he wanted more than that. I chuckled at how cute he was.

(Nolan's POV )
He kissed my forehead after calling me a pet name that made my heart melt. In that moment I felt like Lou liked me. I looked into his Crystal blue eyes, realizing that I might have feelings for him. He chuckled at my expression and just wrapped his arm around me as we watched the sunset out of the window. I tilted my head on his shoulder, again embracing that spicy smell of cinnamon. I held on tight, wanting to keep him forever.

After Nathan returned, he played with us for a bit. He made us flirt with each other and joke around. It was fun, and I didn't want it to end. But it did, when Nathan fell asleep.
Close to midnight, I got up to the corner wall, again. Lou accompanied me as I said the words. It only opened alittle, not to my surprise.
"Have you ever tried singing it? " Lou suggested
"Yes I have, and it had the same effect. Also, I'm a bad singer"
"Hmm... Have you... Done the dance? " Lou questioned. Dance? What dance? I wasn't aware of this.
"What dance? " I asked, confused out of my mind.
"Guess you guys didn't change everything on me" He chuckled.
"You sing the words and I'll do the dance" he instructed. I stepped back, allowing him to be near the portal. I opened my mouth to object but he shushed me and asked me to sing it. So I did
"No te desepare que esta noche yo te robare" I sang quietly so Nathan couldn't hear. Lou did a cute little dance along with the song. I kept repeating the lyrics, as the portal was getting bigger quick. Lou shook his hips and waved his arms around a few times. (Which made me giddy and mess up the song a few times. Although, I wasn't putting much effort into singing. I was basically, talking with stretched out words) Finally when the portal was big enough, (which only took about 40 seconds)

I hugged Lou and started climbing in, but suddenly Lou grabbed my hand and said this...
"I think your a great singer and also... Me gustas mucho"
"W-What ? " I asked confused. He  grinned and kissed my forehead, completely ignoring my question. He waltzed back to Nathan as I climbed through the portal with a red tomato face.

As I wrote in my notebook about how "boring" my day was, I couldn't stop thinking about Lou. I was also trying to figure out what he said to me. That song for the portal is the only Spanish us dolls know. And we don't even know what it means!When I finished, I turned back to the portal smiling big, excited to see Lou and Nathan again. I tried skipping back, but instead, I bumped into someone. Gravity tried to pull me backwards, but someone had caught me. A strong, hand was holding my weight on my lower back. As my vision sharpened, I realized it was Micheal... Again.
"Hey Micheal, s-sorry for bumping into you." I got up and attempted to leave, but he gripped my arm tightly.
"I will find out your secret, Nolan. You don't know how close I am. "
"P-please let go. Your hurting me." I struggled to let go, and it seemed like everyone was faced away. After he gave me a glare, he finally let go. I fell to the floor, leaving a scrape on my left knee. He cackled and then left. I got up, slowly. I limped over to the portal in silence.
(Lou's POV )
I was eagerly waiting for Nolan on the bed. I know that he was only gone for a few minutes. But when he leaves, I feel like I'm missing a part of me. Like my world is frozen, empty and meaningless.
Suddenly he came back, usually he would jump or climb through, but this time he stumbled. I rushed over to him, in a panic.
When I got to him, he had tears in his eyes.
"What happened? " I asked as I bent down beside the sniffling doll.
"I-I just f-fell" He said looking away. I scanned his legs, to notice a scrape, with a little pink fluff coming out. "Hold on, I'll sew it back up. " he just nodded, still facing away. He sat on the floor,while I looked for string and a needle. Thankfully, Nathan liked doing crafts, so he had everything in his art bin. In the big world, when we got hurt, fluff just came out, but in the institute it's almost as if we were humans ourselves, blood, bones and all. I returned to Nolan with the supplies.
"This won't hurt a lot, OK? " I reassured him, as I put the string quickly through the needle.
He whimpered a few times, but I quickly sewed it up. His knee, looked almost the same, because I backstitched with a white string. He stood up,and wobbled over to me. I caught him, so his chest would be onto mine. He blushed an adorable shade. I decided to carry him, into the dollhouse (just so that Nathan would think he left us there.)
"What happened? "
"I just f-fell. I told you that. "
"But it's not the truth. What really happened ? Who did this?"
"I-it was Micheal... But it was an accident. "
"I don't think so. Micheal has always been an ass" Nolans eyes went big, hearing my swear.
"S-sorry. I just, don't like him...theres something off about him" I said as I stroked my fingers along Nolan's hair. He hugged me tightly and nuzzled under my chin.

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