Chapter 16- The Spy Girls

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Lou's POV)
I made an aggravated sigh, as I bent down and offered my hand to the worst doll in the world. He swung his hand and gripped my wrist tightly. I made a lot of effort trying to pull him up, but he was too heavy, or stuck...
"I'm sorry, Lou. I don't know why I did all these things. I'm sorry-"
"Shut Up" I yelled at him. If it was up to me, he would already be dead.
"No. What I did was wrong. I shouldn't have hurt Nolan...or you. "
As he kept babbling I tried to work my head around how I could pull him up easier. When I stopped tuning him out this is what I heard
"... When really, I should've just... KILLED YOU" He growled as he pulled on my arm, trying to drag me off the ledge. I struggled as I tried to hold myself and him, but he really wanted me dead. He tugged on me with all his strength. Suddenly, he pulled my arm so hard, that a popping sound was heard.
"Ow" I groaned in pain, laying on my back, holding my arm. I only realized what happened when I could hear Micheals painful shrieks from below. I closed my eyes in disbelief. The cries stopped, but my heart was still racing.
(He's dead. He's really dead. What will I tell everyone? What will Nolan think? Ow, my arm... )
I stood up, facing to where Nolan was. I swear I almost had a heart attack when I saw 2 dolls kneeling next to him, as I assumed the worst. My vision was blurry and I couldn't think straight due to the pain.
"Lou, your injured badly. " I heard a soft voice come from beside me. I sighed in relief as I saw that it was Lydia. Even though, they hate me, I'd rather them than Micheal any day. I glanced back at Nolan, realizing the dolls were Tuesday and Kitty. I breathed deeply
"When did... you get here?.... Micheal... He... "
"It's ok , Lou. We saw what happened" Lydia assured me.
I nodded as her voice seemed to fade and everything seemed to be getting darker. I felt my legs give in as I heard someone call my name.
Suddenly, everything was darkness.

«Hey guys, I know this chapter is short, but the previous one was long, and I'm only human. Also, thanks for reading my story so far, I hope your enjoying it so far»

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