Chapter 19- Awake

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*Time Skip*
It had been afew weeks now. I haven't been to the big world, and I've hardly eaten or slept...not that I ate much anyways. All I had been doing, was visiting Nolan, and organizing his home a bit. Dolls are used to seeing me now, and everyone knows I've changed. The only thing Noone knew, was my feelings for Nolan...
"Good morning, Lou" A friendly voice called from a distance. I didn't have to look to know that it was Mandy.
"Good morning" I called back, while taking big steps, at the same time pressing on afew flowers that I was holding. Afew of the amethyst petals had escaped the boquet and stuck to my signature black, tux. I hummed to myself as a set of  doors split ways, allowing me to pass through. I strolled in, passing a desk, with Dr. VioletRose behind it.
"Again, Lou? I thought I told you to get might as well live here if your gonna do this everyday, every hour, every 20 minutes... "
She chuckled.
I continued walking but did a little turn while responding.
"Sorry, but I can't dissapoint nolan.. " I turned forward again, after seeing her shake her head with a smile.

I made my way down the hall, passing afew nurses that  had gotten used to my presence. I turned to Nolan's room, and layed the flowers on the small desk.
" Good morning Mi florecito" I cooed in his ear, and kissed his forehead.

(Nolan's POV )
There it was again. His voice. I've been like this for who knows how long. I've been in what seems to be an endless land of... Well, darkness. No matter how much I walk, yell or cry, the darkness is all that I see. I hear a few voices once in a awhile of what seems to be the doctors. I always hear lou's voice, calling me pet names and telling me stories. It's hard to explain, but I could feel it whenever he kissed my hand or ruffled my hair. I felt his gentle kiss on my forehead, I could feel him smiling. It was almost as if I had more senses now. I could tell if someone was smiling or had been crying. Although, Lou hadn't cried yet, some nurses did, so did my friends.
"I got you more flowers, they're mostly purple, but there's also a few blue. " he paused for a second, as if waiting for me to respond. I tried calling to him, I tried moving my arm, but nothing worked. His smile faded and his shoulders dropped down as he sighed.
"I really miss you, mi amor" He sniffled, while his voice started breaking.
'No, no, no... Don't cry' I said looking around, only seeing more darkness.
But, he couldn't hear me. No matter how desperately I wanted him to.
"I'm sorry, but I've kept it in and... I don't know if I can live without you. Please wake up. Please, I need you. I need you as much as I need oxygen... As much as I need my heart to beat... I love you so much"
He leaned over my limp body, cuddling me close, while breathing
Lightly  in my ear. He held my hands while sitting back up. I felt his warm, soft hands cupping mine . I couldn't bear to hear his cries. I shut my eyes, feeling as though I might cry too. Suddenly it was as if a spark was ignited in me. I felt my fingers wiggle for a second. My actual fingers.
"N-Nolan...? " I could feel lou's hopeful eyes watching me. I concentrated again, trying to send some other signal. That was the first time that I had moved in a long time. I felt alive again. I had hope. I searched for that spark, that small flame that caused my fingers to move in a wave-like motion. Lou released my hands, and sighed.
"It's ok, Nolan. I think I'm just tired, I'm seeing things. " he stood up after kissing my small hands. He gave a sad smile and turned to leave. My heart quickened and felt as if it was burning.
He stood in the doorway, facing the hallway. He was hesitating to leave. He could sense something was going to happen. Something I didn't know, myself. I felt the spark again, except it was in my eyes. It kinda stung, but soon after adjusting to the bright, blinding light,I realized that my eyes had opened. I gasped internally, as I smiled at Lou. I tried to talk, but nothing came out. He turned, with his eyes wide, and a smile spreading across his face. He sprinted toward me and nearly body slammed me.
"NOLAN! YOUR AWAKE !Oh, mi angelito..." he gently pressed me into his chest. He was warm, and he felt safe. He smelled of that spicy, cinnamon Just like I remembered. This time only a few words came out.
"... Lou...I' you" Lou understood me as he rubbed my head. Talking felt like learning something new. I hadn't done anything with my voice in awhile.

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