Chapter 8- Micheal

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(Nolan's POV )
As I opened my mouth to reply, we both suddenly jumped, hearing a cars engine outside. We both glanced outside to see the Jonas' Blue car stop and park  in front of the house, releasing Nick and Nathan, followed by mom and some other child. Me and lou panicked, but Lou took charge as he picked me up and dashed to Nathan's room. When Lou set me down, I realized I was still wearing the dress. I slid off the bed and changed quickly. Suddenly Nick walked in, forcing me to lay on the ground in my uniform. He picked up Lou with a concerned and relieved look on his face.
"There you are Lou. He didn't do anything to you did he? I'm sorry I couldn't get you back... Between you and me, Nathan can be a brat sometimes... Oh! Why are you on the floor, Nolan? " He glanced my way and picked me up. "Nathan! I found your doll! " He hollered. He set me on the bed as he kept talking to Lou. "Well, anyways, I'm sorry about Nathan. Hes... Well, gay. I know your not though... Right? " He looked my way again and back at Lou. "I feel like you like Nolan. Don't you Lou? "
His expression was sad, disappointed even, but he still held a generous smile on his lightly freckled face.

Suddenly Nathan walked into the room with a girl. She looked about 13 years old. Or somewhere in between Nick and Nathan's age. Nathan picked me up and displayed me to the girl.
"This is Nolan, Demi. He likes Lou, but don't tell anyone" he whisper yelled.
I smiled at that.

Nick came from behind and introduced Lou. Demi nodded and replied with a smile. "I brought my doll too. Let's go play in the living room" Her voice was nice and soft with a perfect, respectful tone. We all went downstairs to play. Demi took out her dark blue backpack with red swirls all over it, and brought out a doll.
He had midnight blue hair and periwinkle eyes. (AW HELL NAW)
"This is Micheal" She Beemed, holding Micheal up. "He's a bit of a stuck up, but he's very talented and professional. "
(Talented? Professional? Professional my a-)

"Not as professional as Lou, here. " Nick said proudly.
We played together for awhile. But eventually it was dinnertime. The trio left us on the living room couch, and went to eat. We were left alone in the room.

I sat up, waiting for Micheal to get up too. I realized Lou was sitting beside me, already on the alert. Micheal slowly got up as we watched from the other side of the couch. After straightening his sleeves (Which were already straight) he glared at me and lou.
"Ugh, I knew it. Is this what you've been hiding? Pathetic."
"Nice to see you too, micheal" Lou said clearly annoyed.
"How did you even get here? "
"Same as you"
"Well you shouldn't be here. You don't deserve it. Neither of you do. Nolan, is the most imperfect doll I've ever seen. And lou, the most selfish doll I've ever met. And on top of that, your both fairies. Disgusting"

Lou rolled his eyes. I was looking away, but I looked at Micheal when he was finished, for I had a clever comeback up my uneven sleeves. After a few seconds, he awaited a reaction.
"Oh, was that you talking? I'm sorry, I thought that was the garbage disposal. " I smirked. Lou covered his mouth, trying to contain his laughter. Micheal glared at me.
"Your dispicable" Micheal finally said. I was loaded with comebacks, so I didn't mind his insults.
"Yeah, your rubbing off on me" I smirked. Lou's shoulders shook up and down, still containing his laughter. "Oh and also, you should check Ebay. Maybe you'll get a life there. " Lou couldn't take it anymore as he burst out in laughter, which only made Micheal more pissed off.
"Stop being such a smart-ass" micheal got up with his fists curled up.

"I'd rather be a Smart-ass than a dumbass. "
"You wanna go, Fag? " He stepped toward me, raising his fists.
"I would. I mean, I'd gladly smack you but, that would be animal abuse"
Lou chuckled a little, and then got up in front of me, all protective-like. I stood up still behind Lou. Lou was still smiling big from my burns towards Micheal. "You know what? Your not worth it." Micheal said, as a light bulb seemed to shine above his periwinkle hair. We all settled down, giving each other death stares.
Finally, the kids came back and played. And like Nathan said, they had a sleepover.
When it was around midnight, I got up.
"Nolan, are you ok to..... ? "
I heard Micheal in the corner singing  something. The portal opened at exactly the right size in a second. Lous jaw dropped as I gasped softly.
"Uh, no I'm good. I think Michael's got it" I walked over to Micheal looking at the portal. "Ugh. What do you want, freak?"
I rolled my eyes, ignoring what he just called me.
"How'd you get it open so fast? "
"I just said the password,"No te desespere que esta noche yo te robare, yo se que tu quiere tu tranquila yo te lo dare. " Didnt you learn it? "
(Well, I didn't know there was a second part)
Micheal shoved me aside, almost making me lose my balance, and climbed inside the portal. As I dusted off my pants, I waved at Lou.

When I arrived, I couldn't see Micheal, and I could care less for that asshole. I found my notebook and wrote in it for about 10 minutes
(like it usually does). When I was finished I decided to walk around uglyville for a few minutes, as I had not been able to see it for a few days. I waved as I saw moxy, uglydog, wage, Mandy, and Lydia. On my way back, it was really dark. I was walking on the edge of the sidewalk, closer to the houses and alleys, when suddenly I was Yanked to the side.
I tried yelling, but I felt someone's hand covering my mouth.

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