Chapter 7- Green Dress

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Lou's POV )
"Thankyou so much Lou. My Tigre.. " I could feel my heart pulsating. I hugged him back and said
"De nada, chico muy lindo". He looked up at me with a surprised look.
"So you can speak it! Now tell me what you said" He pouted after breaking the hug. "Tell me what you said before I left, and what the portal password means." He tugged on my sleeve a little.
I sighed heavily with a smile.
"The password means"Don't worry , because I will be with you tonight." and what I said earlier... "

I honestly didn't want him to know, cause I was afraid of getting hurt or rejected.
"Me gustas mucho means... I like you a lot. " he blushed a bright shade of pink.
"What did you say just now? " He sat on the dollhouse bed, and waited for my answer as he looked down.
"I said... Your welcome... " I was really hesitating with this one, cause when I said it, I didn't think I'd have to tell.  "... Very... cute.... boy" I hesitantly said, closing my eyes. I kept them closed for awhile, cause I didn't want to see his reaction. When I was about to open them, I felt something gently collide with me. I opened my eyes, seeing Nolan hugging me and sniffling.
"I'm sorry, It's fine if you don't feel the..." My statement was inturrupted, by a gentle kiss. I kissed back, pulling his small body ,closer to me. His lips were sweet and his tongue was soft. As we pulled away for air. He smiled at me with loving eyes.
"I do like you, Lou. Your fun, confident, and caring. Your amazing." Now I was the one blushing. He kissed me on the cheek, As I was in a daze. He giggled at this and went to sleep beside Nathan. Usually I slept on the edge and he slept closer to the kid. But that night, he invited me to sleep right next to him. I did as I was told. And we all slept close together.

In the morning, everyone was already gone. I faced Nolan, to see him sleeping quietly. "Te amo, mi angelito" I whispered kissing his freckled cheek. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. We both sat up quietly to look around.
"What do you wanna do today? " He asked me with a smile. I chuckled at his slightly messed up hair.

"I wanna see all the outfits you have." I replied with a smirk.
He blushed a little at my request. "Ok" he replied quietly, slipping down the blankets and in his way to a small dollhouse that looked like a closet. It almost surprised me, how submissive he was.

He opened it and brought out all the clothes. I stared in awe at how pretty some of the dresses were. He had 5 different colored style dresses and suits for different occasions such as swimming, hiking, camping, and dancing. My eyes were focused on one particulare dress. It was green. It was a little above knee-length, sleeveless and had a fancy little chain around the waist.
"Can you try on this one? " I asked politely pointing at it.
"Oh that one? I LOVE THA.... " he stopped with his smile fading "You just wanna make fun of me."

"No, of course not. I think you'd look beautiful in this. " I handed the fabric to Nolan. He blushed and hesitated a little, but he tried it on anyways, he went behind the closet and came out a few seconds later.

 He blushed and hesitated a little, but he tried it on anyways, he went behind the closet and came out a few seconds later

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My eyes widened and a smile filled my whole face. He walked in front of me with his hands behind him, looking down at his matching green shoes. I felt my face get hot, before he mumbled
"So embarrassing. I can't believe I'm doing this" he didn't give me eye contact. "Well?" he asked me clearly while twirling a little.
"Uh, w-well. I-I d-don't know what t-to say. " I truly didn't. I stood there like an idiot, stuttering and getting redder by the second. He nodded and turned around to walk away.
"W-wait. Where are you going? " I snapped out of my trance
"I'm going to change back? " He said stopping in his place.
"Please don't. " I said as I walked up to him. I hugged him from behind and said "You look so beautiful. " He turned around, breaking the hug. His face was really red. "Your so cute" I tapped his nose gently.
He still blushed hard.
We walked around the house, chatting about our human kids and our... His, friends at home, and I even taught him some Spanish.
"So, why do you think you were able to go through the portal this time?"
Nolan asked, walking beside me.
"I don't know. Maybe because I don't have a purpose anymore"
We walked up to the window, looking outside together, realizing it was getting later.
"I mean, I'm pretty much useless now, since Noone would listen to me anymore." Nolan glanced up at me with his beautiful eyes, shining.

"Your not useless. We all have a purpose. And even if Noone else cares, your important to me. " he said with a light blush on his cheeks. I smiled at him warmly, grabbed his hand and kissed it gently. This made him blush harder.
"Thank you Nolan. Your important to me too. And, there's actually something I wanted to ask you.. Uh.. " I choked on my words. And it was as if my brain couldn't speak English anymore.
"W-will y-you b-be Mi Novio? " I guess you could say I was nervous and I panicked.  He scanned my posture from a few feet away, displaying a shade of pink that went perfectly with his green outfit.
"I don't think you told me what that means... " He asked me innocently.
"I askedyouifyou'dbemyboyfriend" I said it all in one breath, turning away from him. I could hear his small, light footsteps approach me. I started to sweat as he got closer. He laid his small hand on my shoulder and smiled a precious smile.....

(Cliffhanger LOL)

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