Chapter 21- Dinner

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(Lou's POV )
Eventually, we arrived at the restaurant where the gang wanted to meet. Me and nolan entered through the glass door, and were immediately hit with a variety of delicious smells. I scanned the area for our friends. Nolan did too, but he's... Fun-sized, so he couldn't see much.
I chuckled as he went up and down on his tip toes.
"Your so cute, mi angelito"

"I don't want to be short anymore"
I smirked as I bent down on my knees


"What? Is your back itchy? "

"No, tonto. Get on my shoulders"
Within a few seconds, he was on my shoulders, while I held his hands against my chest.
"Do you see anything? "
"Oof, please don't yell in my ear... "
"Sorry, mi amor"
I shook it off with a chuckle as we made our way there. The gang were sitting in the corner, farthest from the entrance. Halfway there, I could see Moxy, Mandy and UglyDog waving. I smiled and relaxed as I finally knew where I was actually going. Nolan was still sitting on my shoulders. He wasn't as heavy as a doll would normally be. He was really really light. He played with my hair, a little. Brushing with his fingers and attempting to braid a few spots.
"Are you trying to braid my hair? "

"Um, no?... Your hair is really thick.. " only a few steps away from the table, I trudged through a small crowd of other dolls.
"Hey, Lou! Hey, N-" Moxy called to us, as we finally made it to our destination. All  of their eyes grew big in astonishment. I guess they didn't expect Nolan to be on my shoulders.
'Oh, right. They don't know about me and nolan.. ' I reminded myself.

I set Nolan gently down. He smiled and hugged me tight before heading to the empty spots in the booth.

The cushions were dark green and the table was wooden. Moxy, Mandy and UglyDog at were sitting on the right side of the table. Moxy sat at the edge, Mandy was slightly in the middle of the seat, and uglydog was in between them. They smiled kindly when me and nolan seated ourselves. Nolan sat near the edge, while I sat closer to the middle.
"How are you, Nolan? It's been awhile" Mandy beamed, while her purple dress seemed to match her eyes.
"I feel fine" he said casually. He glanced at me and smiled
"I feel great" he finished.

"And you? How are you" Moxy asked while looking directly at me.
"I'm good thanks. I feel better now that Nolan is awake" Me and nolan made eye contact. His eyes sparkled in the light, and made each and every adorable freckle visible. We both smiled at each other, unaware of the groups confused expression.
"Anyways, where's the rest of the group? " I asked
"They couldn't make it, bro. They have hyper kids, man" Uglydog said.
There was an awkward silence for a moment, but it was soon broken by a tan waitress, with neat, black braided hair.
"Hello. I'm Meghan, and I'll be your waitress today" She beamed while handing out cups of water from her tray.
"Are you all ready to order? We have anything and everything here"
She placed the tray under her arm, while taking out a pen and notebook. She looked at us, one by one, waiting eagerly.
"That's why I love this place! It has everything! I'll have a... " Moxy thought for a moment

".... I'll have Pasta, please. With extra cheese! " Meghan nodded, and jotted it down. Ugly dog flickered his tail in thought
"Yeah, I'll have a small lasagna, please"

Mandy claimed her turn after Meghan wrote Ugly dogs order.
"I'll have a cesar salad please, with lots of lemon" Mandy exclaimed while pushing her glasses back into place. Meghan nodded and focused on me and nolan. I wasn't sure what to order, and Nolan seemed indecisive at first. There was a silence before Nolan finally made a decision
"Um, I'll have... A taco, with a side of chicken nuggets" Meghan wrote it down, while raising a brow in curiosity. The bubbly waitress turned to me
"And you, sir? "
"Uh, I'll have... Hm, do you have pupusas? "
She tapped her chin in deep thought
"Yes of course we do...Cheese or Bean? "
"Cheese, please"
She smiled and skipped away after confirming all our orders.
"What are pupusas? " Moxy asked curiously.
"Comida Latina" I responded with a grin

"What? " She asked while tilting her head.

"He said it's Latin food" Nolan explained simply.

After me and nolan glanced at each other again, he blushed lightly.

The atmosphere seemed to become heavy after I realized the other dolls faces. A look of confusion or shock...

"Um, are you two...? " Mandy hesitated while waving her hand at me and nolan side to side.
"....Are you two dating? " Mandy finished, while Nolan looked down at his lap, almost like he was scared of being judged. I glanced at him, for conformation. After side glancing me back, he nodded slightly.

"... Of course, we are. We haven't gone out yet, but we are together."
I explained, while laying my right hand on Nolan's left leg. His shoulders tensed up as he looked at me in confusion. I kept facing the trio while they kept talking about how cute we are together, and what a perfect couple we are. I rubbed his leg up and down, gently which caused him to squirm a little. That only encouraged me.

"...Perfect couple....hey,are you OK, Nolan? " Mandy asked curiously.
"Yeah, Nolan. Everything OK? " I smirked
"Hm? Uh, yeah. Everything's f-fine..." He exhaled while struggling to keep still.

"Travieso... " he mumbled under his breath. I pulled my hand away and leaned closer to him.

"Sorry, chico. But, That was just a sample of what I'll do later" I whispered in his ear. He blushed again,making me chuckle and rub his head with already messy hair. Mandy and Moxy giggled while Uglydog Sipped his water.

When the waitress returned with our orders, we all ate peacefully. We laughed multiple times at Uglydog, who had tomato sauce all over his face, and at Nolan's odd combination of a Taco and chicken nuggets. After 30 minutes, everyone was finally finished. We all made our way outside, which was now pretty dark.
"Well, it was nice seeing you again, Nolan. " Moxy cheered while giving Nolan a hug.
"It was nice seeing you all too. " He said while we all exited the building.

"Yeah, man. Stay safe. Eat cake" Ugly dog said in his casual voice.
"What? " me and nolan exclaimed, perfectly in sync. Ugly dog halted and turned to us.
"If your too heavy to carry, you can't get kidnapped so, stay safe... Eat cake" We all laughed at his silly quote.

After we said our final goodbyes, made our way to my house.
As we stood on my doorstep, I pulled out my key.
"Are you sure you wanna see my house? " I asked him nervously.
"Of course. I haven't seen yours. "
"... OK then" I turned the key and lead him in, while closing the door behind him. Since it was night, the only light that emitted was from the moon.

"Lou? I can't see anything....lou? Where are you... this isn't funny" he whimpered in the darkness.
I smirked as I crept up behind him.

"HAH" I yelled while gripping his shoulders instantly. He jumped, and attempted to scream, but I guess he was so scared that even his vocal chords failed him.
"Ay, Pendejo... You scared me" He complained in an annoyed voice.
"Sorry, I couldn't help it" I switched on the light, and hugged him from behind. While I hugged him, I felt something wet fall onto my hands.

"Are you crying? Oh, I'm so sorry, mi angelito... "
"It's fine... I'm just scared of the dark" He sniffed, while wiping his tears.
"I'm really sorry...since I scared you, you can know my fears.. "
He waited patiently while taking deep breaths. I positioned myself in front of him, and picked him up, with my arms supporting his back, and his legs around my waist. I carried him to the couch, and gently laid him there. I watched as he scanned his surroundings, but he still waited for my response.
"Well, one of them is... Heights" I said giving him a comforting smile and taking a seat beside him. Our knees were touching and I held his hands.
He nodded to show he was listening.
"Another one, is being alone, completely"
We looked into each other's eyes, as he waited eagerly for the third one.
"My last one, is this fear of.... "

» Hah. Cliffhangar... :3 «

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