Chapter 22- Smut

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Nolan's POV)

"My last one, is this fear of losing you" He finished with a small smile. My mouth parted, as if doing a silent gasp. It didn't surprise me, it's just that... I always admired Lou for his confidence. Something that I could never claim. Confidence.
"I don't wanna lose you either..." I leaned into him, embracing his warmth, and the spicy scent of cinnamon . Our lips connected us as we shared a soft kiss. Not too slow. Not too fast. Perfect.

«I honestly don't know what the difference is... »

His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I did what I had done before. I denied it.
Suddenly, he swung on top of me, not breaking the kiss. I was almost sitting normally on the couch, while his hands used the cushion for support, his arms bent allowing him to lean close to me, and my waist in between his legs. The sudden movement caused me to gasp, which gave him the opportunity to slip beyond my lips. His soft tongue explored my mouth, while I pulled his lower back close to me.

"You taste good" he whispered to me in a sexy tone.
He began unbottoning my vest while kissing my neck and chin.

"Ah... Lou... Mm... "
I tried containing the urge to moan, but it came out anyways. Lou smirked as he spoke again.

"Don't be shy, mi florecito... Say my name again.. "
Our eyes focused on each other.
I said his name almost like a whisper.

He smiled his sweet smile.
His gorgeous blue eyes and silky smooth hair looked more mesmerizing than ever.

"Aw... Does Chico muy lindo want to go all the way? "

"Uh huh... " I nodded desperately, while he kissed my cheek.

"OK... If that's what you want" he grinned in a way that made my heart flutter. My arms wrapped around him and I pulled him closer to my body.
He gently slipped off my white T-shirt and tie. He kissed my shoulders as I too, slowly unbottoned his tux and T-shirt.

Even though I was self conscious about my body, I felt normal for once. I felt... Special.

Eventually, a few minutes into it, I was almost completely nude, while Lou was completely exposed.  Oddly, the couch was pretty big, so we were never uncomfortable.

At this point, I was laying on my back, while Lou was on his knees, at my feet. He smirked as he finally finished pulling my briefs off. He slowly spread my legs as he positioned his head in between them.
"L-Lou.. What are you doing? "
"Shhh... Don't worry, you'll love this... "
My heart beat out of my chest as I realized what he was gonna do.

My member suddenly became cold, but warm at the same time. I lifted my head up, unsure of what I was feeling.
Pleasure? Awkwardness?Joy? Noone knows accept me. And I don't even know.

".. Mmm.. Lou.. Ah.. Ahh.. L-lou..AH...LoU" I started getting louder, as he sucked harder and faster.

"Lou.. I'm gonna... "
I didn't know what I was gonna do... But I knew something was happening. I tried to keep it all in, but for some reason, it just burst out of me. This warm, sticky substance.

"I-I'm sorry Lou... I didn't mean to-" He raised his head, and crawled up on top of me. He licked his lips as he smirked. He cooed in my ear "It's alright, Novio. You taste like heaven".
I blushed at his comment. He chuckled a little, and then made a command.
"Roll over"
I was confused, but I did as he asked.

Now I was on my stomach. I could feel his bare legs brush up against mine. He placed his hands on my hips affectionately.
"If it hurts too much, tell me OK? " He said softly
I nodded, not knowing what to expect. After a few seconds of our breathing syncing perfectly, I felt IT.
"Ahh... " The tip of his member slowly pushed into me, causing me to moan, in a combination of pain and pleasure. I rocked myself back and forth with the help of lou's hands. He groaned as he gained speed slowly.

With each second my moaning got more intense.
"Lou!... Ah... Holy Shh-.... Ahh.. " I moaned as he kept thrusting into me.
"Are you ok? I could stop if... "
"No pares... Ahhh.. No pares "
"Ah, OK... Cause I'm just starting"
He thrusted into me, forcing his whole peen into me.

I moaned in pleasure, while drooling a bit . He kept hitting a spot that... Felt amazing. I wasn't sure if he had done this before, but he was perfect at it.

The friction between his stomach and my back caused friction, which caused a slight burning sensation. But even that, was overshadowed by the feeling of Lou inside me.

His heavy breath left my knees weak. He kept cussing in a voice that made me want to submit completely under his control.

He thrusted harder until he began to touch a spot inside me. A spot that made my blood rush through my body and made my toes curl.

"mm... Nolan... I think I'm gonna cum~"

"Me too. Keep going.."

He suddenly began doing it even faster. He groaned lightly and slowed down.

He sighed in relief due to his warm, liquid spilling into me. Sweat dripped off his chest and onto my back. He pulled himself out, earning a final gentle moan from me. His knees gave in, as he collapsed beside me.
Our eyes locked for a minute.
Only in that moment did I realize how vulnerable we really were.
He exhaled deeply before spooning me from behind.

"Te amo... " he cooed in my ear while pulling me closer to him.
"I love you too, Mi amor" I replied, while holding his hands, still catching my breath.  We both laid there, in exhaustion, but no regret. His hair brushed against mine, and our legs wrapped around each other.
His warm body, caused my eyes to become heavy, and slowly close.

The last thing I remember about that night, was feeling happy.

Maybe a little too happy...

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