Chapter 9- The Deal

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(Nolan's POV )
"Whryoo. Lemego" I tried to yell, but my voice was muffled. Suddenly, something covered my whole head, and everything faded to black.

I woke up, with my head feeling dizzy. I gasped for air, inhaling significantly. I looked around, realizing I was in a room. It had no windows and the walls seemed to be concrete. Dark shadows filled the corners, and one light dangled from the Centre of the cold, empty room.
"Help! Is someone there? " I yelled. I squirmed in the chair I was placed in, with my hands tied up being me.
"Noone can hear you Nolan. Scream all you want." Micheal peered out of the shadows with a evil grin on his stupid face.
"What do you want Micheal? Just leave us alone" I said firmly, but still dizzy and having foggy vision.
"After the big news I just found out? No, I'm not keeping this to myself. "
"You leave Lou alone. He's more of a doll than you will ever be. "
"Well, fortunately, for me, he's not even supposed to be there."
Micheal started walking towards me. I glared in silence as he went behind me. That's when I noticed a metal door.
"Don't worry, Nolan. When Lou is locked up, I will be able to set you free. I can't have you interfering. See ya, shortie." He opened the door and took a step forward.
"Wait! No please don't! I'll do anything " Micheal froze. He turned around, to face me while the metal door closed shut.
"Why do you care so much for him? "
"He means a lot to me. He loves having a kid. I can't let you take that from him. "
"How bout a deal? " Micheal grinned in a way that made me shiver.
"W-what? "
"I won't tell anyone about Lou, if you pretend to not care about him anymore. Instead, you will like me, and only me"
"WHAT? Why? You don't even like me. "
"As true as that may be, I want Lou to suffer. And if I can't lock him up, I'll just have to settle for making his heart shatter. "
"Please don't make me do this"
"It's your choice. Lou happy with his kid, or Lou miserable in a cell. I mean, personally I like the second one, but your call"
I felt my heart beating out of my chest. I felt like that was the only thing in my body. Like I was... Empty, hallow. I struggled to find words. I didn't want to hurt Lou, but I didn't want him to be taken away from his kid.

"Deal or no deal? " Micheal stomped his foot on the cold, solid floor.
"I... Uh... D-deal... " I didn't want to. But I couldn't stand the thought of Lou, being alone in a cell, being driven to insanity. He asked me a few other questions that I can't recall. There must have been some kind of gas on the towel bag that was put on me, cause I can't remember everything. All I remember is feeling dizziness. When he was done interagating me,
Micheal sneered, and suddenly.... Darkness

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