Chapter 3: Terry

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Terry followed his frightened little rabbit inside one of the private suites and closed the door behind them.

"This is where..." She looked around the room, eyes wide.

Ethan didn't do anything half-assed, including decorating these rooms. The carpet was plush and brown with hints of blue to match the walls. The furniture was a solid, light-colored wood, a refreshing break from the darker décor of the club.

"There's no bed?" She looked at him her face pale as a hint of a blush crept into her cheeks. "Not that we were..." Her hands fluttered in her nervousness.

"Believe me, you made that perfectly clear." But he had every intention of changing her mind—not tonight, but soon.

"I didn't mean it."

He raised his brow. Maybe, tonight would work.

"No. I...that's not..." She took a deep breath. "We aren't going to, you know, but I didn't mean to be rude."

"I don't mind." He chuckled. She was beyond adorable. "I'm almost always rude."

"No." She reached out as if to touch him but stopped, her fingers only a breath away from his arm. "You saved me. Thank you."

"You're welcome, but I shouldn't have had to. Which reminds me." He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and texted Ethan, sliding it back into his jacket when he was done. "Please, have a seat." He motioned to one of the chairs by the couch and then pointed at the door near the bar. "That should be the bathroom and there"—he nodded at the door across from them—"should be the bedroom...with the bed."

"Oh." She blushed, looking anywhere but at him.

It was a promising sign. He moved to the bar. His little rabbit was shy and flustered, a little frightened after her ordeal but she was attracted to him which meant, he'd have her. It may take some persuading but he loved a challenge. "Drink?" He poured himself a scotch on the rocks.

"No. Thank you." She was sitting on a chair, her entire body stiff, but her eyes kept darting his way and skimming over him in a fleeting caress.

She might not be as much of a challenge as he'd thought and that was excellent. He was in the market for a new sub and she'd be fun to mold. He poured her some wine and carried it to her.

He sat on the chair across from hers, putting his drink on the nearby table. He leaned forward, taking her hand. It was small and cold. He wrapped it around the wine glass. "This will help with your nerves." He kept a hold of her, his heat warming her chilled flesh.

"Okay." Her gaze was on their hands but she didn't attempt to pull free. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He continued to stare at her for one long moment. If she looked up, he'd kiss her and take her mind off her near rape.

"I-I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't..." Her hand began to tremble. She looked up at him and he could've sworn his heart wrenched in his chest. She was so vulnerable, helpless and scared.

"Come here." He took the glass from her and set it by his before tugging on her hand.

"Wh-what are you doing?" There was a hitch of panic in her voice.

"Trust me." His hands went to her waist. "I'm not going to do anything but hold you." He lifted her, placing her on his lap.

"Let me go." She struggled.

"I won't touch you. I swear." He lifted his hands. Forcing her wouldn't gain her trust and he needed her to trust him if she were going to submit to him.

"You're touching me now." She glanced down. "Just about everywhere."

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Yeah. Well..."

When she didn't move, he wanted to grin like a fool but instead he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her head to his shoulder. "You're safe now. No one can hurt you." He'd protect her. All she had to do was let him.

"I don't even know you." She stiffened, as if having second thoughts about their situation.

He couldn't allow that. He loosened his hold a little and she relaxed. Okay, so that was how she worked. It might take a while to get her to bend to his wishes, but he was patient and determined. In the end, she'd submit. "I'm Terry."

"I'm Maggie." She relaxed a little more.

She was soft and lush and smelled good—vanilla, woman and strawberries from her shampoo. Delicious. Later she'd be his to taste, but for right now....He grabbed her wine and handed it to her. "Drink."

She took a sip and then another. He smiled against the top of her head. She was a fast study. She'd be obeying his every whim soon.

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