Chapter 6: Maggie

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Maggie almost dropped her drink. She'd never had a man, even her husband, talk to her like that.

Terry leaned closer. She should move but his dark eyes held her in place, mesmerizing her like a rabbit facing a snake. She could smell the light scent of scotch on his breath and his musky, masculine cologne. Her eyes dropped to his lips, sensual especially paired with his strong cheek bones and five o'clock shadow.

"You're giving me all sorts of ideas." He touched her chin, his finger warm and rough as he closed her mouth.

She hadn't realized that her mouth had been hanging open. She must be as red as a tomato because he laughed and leaned back against his seat

"No comment?" His eyes sparkled with humor.

"No one has ever spoken to me like that." Usually, she let things slide, tried to see the good in everything and everyone, but this attractive, sophisticated, arrogant man thought he was better than her because he was rich and worldly.


She almost sputtered. "It is not. It's rude and..."

"Crass?" He laughed but quickly sobered. "Like I promised, brutally honest." His gaze lingered on her lips before dropping to her breasts.

Most men pretended not to stare at her chest, but not him. His dark eyes sparkled like they could see through the cloth. She wanted to fan herself or hide, or maybe, pull the top of her dress down so he could get a good look. And a taste. She blinked. No, she did not want that. She didn't even know this man.

"Why did you come to the Club?" His gaze lifted to hers.

"I told you. I didn't know what this place was."

"Yes, but you went out tonight looking for something."

"Not this. Not a relationship."

"Then you came to the right place." This time his smile was wide and god help her he was even better looking.

"I wasn't looking for"—she lowered her voice—"sex either."

His smile shifted becoming more smug as one side of his mouth lifted in a smirk. "Then what were you looking for if not a relationship and not sex? Conversation?"

"Well, no. I don't know." She took a gulp of the wine. What had she expected to find tonight? She really didn't have time for a relationship, not with work and the kids, but she was lonely. "I'm not the kind of woman who has one-night stands."

"Good because one night with you won't be enough." His voice had grown darker and richer.

"Oh." That was the nicest thing she'd heard from a man in years.

"I'll need more time than that to teach you how to please me."

Her mouth dropped open again and when his dark eyes landed on her lips, she snapped her jaw shut, making her teeth clank together.

The ass laughed as he leaned forward. "We can have an arrangement." His hand slipped behind her neck. It was warm and strong, making her want to dissolve into him. "I promise. You'll enjoy every minute."

His mouth came down on hers, gentle and coaxing. His tongue played along the crease of her lips but she couldn't let him in. She hadn't kissed anyone but her husband in over ten years. She had no idea how to kiss anyone else. It'd been too long. What if she were a bad kisser?

His lips moved to her ear and down her neck as his other hand cupped her cheek. Her head rested against his palm. He was an excellent kisser, his lips warm and coaxing. He smelled so good, cologne, fabric softener and him. It'd been so long since she'd been touched or held by a man. He nibbled her ear and she gasped, reaching for him, no longer worried about anything but touching him. Her fingers tangled in the lapels of his jacket. His chest was strong beneath her knuckles and the heat from his body made her want to wrap around him and soak in his warmth.

His lips found a spot behind her ear and a throaty moan slipped from her. Before she could breathe his mouth was on hers, his tongue sliding inside. The faint taste of scotch was dark and delicious and she couldn't get enough.

His hand moved to the hem of her dress, slipping underneath. She should stop him, but she didn't want to. He was right. This was what she'd been looking for—to feel desired, wanted, sexy.

"Ahem. Excuse me."

She gasped and broke from the kiss, pushing on his chest but it was like moving a mountain with a feather.

"Go away, Ethan," Terry said against her neck, his fingers still trailing farther up her thigh. "Come back in an hour."

"Stop it." She slapped at his hand, her face flushing from passion and embarrassment.

"Shit." Terry straightened his eyes on her legs.

She started to tug her dress down, but he bent, his lips brushing against the exposed flesh of her thigh and his tongue darting out for a quick taste that made her insides throb and her thighs drop open a little more. He smirked as he leaned back in his chair.

Her hands trembled and her breathing was rapid as she pulled her hem down, covering her legs. Terry's dark eyes were like a weight as she tried to look anywhere but at either of the men.

"Ah Terry, can I speak with you?" Ethan nodded at the door.

"Did you find Vicky?" She was a terrible person. Once again, she'd forgotten about her friend.

"No. She's not here," said Ethan.

"Not here? She has to be here."

"Terry." Ethan's head snapped toward the door.

"Did something happen to her?"

"Nothing happened to her." Ethan sighed. "Vicky Givens is not allowed here any longer."

"What?" That meant that Vicky used to come here. That meant that Vicky knew exactly what kind of place this was.

"Your friend used to be a regular, but I had to cancel her membership."

"When did you cancel?" Her stomach felt like she'd eaten a bolder.

"Six months ago."

"Did she know?" This had to be a mistake.

"Yes. I told her personally." Ethan walked toward her. "She also knew that she couldn't sneak inside. She must've convinced another member to put you down as a guest. Don't worry. I'll find out who."

She nodded, tears forming at the back of her eyes. She'd thought they were still friends. She'd believed Vicky had gotten over the divorce but she'd been wrong. She gulped down her drink. Vicky had done this on purpose.

"I'm sorry." Ethan walked over to her.

"I was almost raped. Vicky couldn't have wanted that to happen. She couldn't have." She and Vicky had been friends for years. The other woman couldn't hate her. The divorce wasn't even her fault.

"I'm very sorry about that. About all of it." Ethan took her hand. "Come. Let me take you home."

"I'll take her." Terry stood, snatching her hand from Ethan.

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