Chapter 13: Maggie

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Maggie should slip her hand from Terry's warm grasp, but she didn't. She liked having a man in her life, someone to help her, someone she could lean on. A lot of women didn't mind being alone but that wasn't her. She used to wish she could be like that, but if nothing else, her divorce taught her that wishing didn't change anything.

"Don't be afraid of me. Of this. I'll never hurt you. You know that, right?"

"I-I do." She lied. He wouldn't rape her or hit her, but he would hurt her. This would just be sex for him and she needed more than that. Like she knew she wasn't good alone, she also knew she wasn't the kind of woman who had casual sex with strange men.

"There's no reason to be afraid of this." He stopped the car at a stop light and moved his hand to cup her cheek. "We should relish it. Attraction like this doesn't happen often. It's a gift."

She wanted to lean into his touch but instead, shifted her head away. "Attraction like this is a curse not a gift."

He frowned as he put his hand on the wheel and started driving again. "A curse? No. Absolutely, not."

"Yes, it is because we can't do anything about it."

"We most certainly can."

"Fine, then we won't."

"We will."

His tone was authoritative and she was getting a little sick of it. "No. We won't. I won't. I don't have flings and that's what this would be." If it weren't for the kids, she might consider it, but she didn't have time.

"It won't be a fling. Nothing so insubstantial."

"Please. This isn't leading to marriage."

"God no. I'll never marry again."

"Me either." Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest to protect herself—her heart. It was silly to be hurt by his words, but a tiny part of her—the part that, apparently, hadn't learned not to hope—had wanted him to say that he didn't know where it would lead. It might've given her the excuse to surrender to his commands and her desire, but Terry was honest to a fault.

"So, you never plan on having sex again?" He glanced at her, a spark of challenge in his eyes.

"What? I never said that."

"You did. You said that you didn't have flings and the only other option you seem to be able to see is marriage. Then, you said you won't marry again. Ergo, no more sex. Ever." He turned down her road.

"Well..." God, he was right. She liked sex. She didn't want to imagine never having it again.

He pulled over and stopped the car, taking off his seatbelt and capturing her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Maggie, I want you. We can make this work." He kissed her softly. "You don't really want to go without sex, do you?" His tongue trailed across her lips.

She opened for his kiss, unable to stop herself. There was something about him—his roughness, his honesty that drew her.

He held her still for his kisses while his other hand skimmed over her breasts. "You were made for sex. All these curves and lushness." He kissed down her neck. "I want to bury my face in your pussy and worship you."

Heaven help her, even his foul language made her heart pound. David had never spoken to her like this. She should be offended but instead, the throbbing between her legs increased—chanting, "yes, yes."

His hand trailed between her thighs. She wanted to relax, to open for him. She wanted sex. Why shouldn't she get to have sex? Her ex already had a new wife. Her legs drifted open.

"Good girl." His lips captured hers as his large hand cupped her pussy.

She moaned against his mouth. The pressure, the touch felt so good. Lord help her, she wanted this man.

He removed his hand from between her legs and unhooked her seatbelt, pulling her into his arms. She opened wider, melting against him and he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with hers. He grabbed her head with one hand, keeping her still for his invasion as the other cupped her ass, squeezing.

She tightened her arms, which had somehow gotten wrapped around his neck. She needed to be closer to him. He nipped her lip and she moaned, feeling it all the way to the ache between her legs. He knew too because his hand slid under her ass, moving closer to the place that begged to be touched.

Lights splashed over them as another car drove slowly past before disappearing down the road.

"Fuck." Terry squeezed her ass once more as he broke the kiss.

"What?" She blinked, her mind filled with nothing but lust. "Oh." She untangled her arms, glad for the darkness because her face had to be as red as a tomato. She'd almost had sex in a car. On the street. Where anyone could see them. Her head dropped back against the seat.

"Fuck." He repeated as he started the car and pulled onto the road.

She closed her eyes. This was so embarrassing. They were in her neighborhood. If anyone had seen her...

He turned into a driveway and stopped the car. He leaned over and kissed her hard. That was all it took, one touch of his lips, and she couldn't think of anything but the feelings he was stirring inside her—desire, passion. Things she hadn't felt in too long. His fingers skimmed across her pubic mound, light and fleeting. She wiggled and he deepened the kiss and the pressure, one long finger sliding between her legs, over and over.

"We should go inside or at least put my car in your garage." His breath whispered over her lips.

"M-my garage?" Her heart stalled. They were at her house. In her driveway. Tina could be looking out the window. "Oh god." She pushed at his hand that was still wedged between her legs. "I've got to go." She threw open the door and hurried to the house as she fumbled in her purse for her keys.

The car door slammed and a few moments later Terry was behind her.

"Maggie, don't run away from me. Let's talk inside."

She almost laughed but it was too sad. This was it. The exact time that this, whatever it was, would end. She took a shaky breath. She'd always have her memories of this rich, sexy man wanting her. 

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