Chapter 15: Terry

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Terry sat in Ethan's office drinking and playing cards—pastimes he usually enjoyed but not tonight. Nope, his night had tanked as soon as he'd walked into Maggie's house.

"These are fucking fantastic." Ethan ate another cookie.

Terry grunted and stood. It wasn't Maggie's cookies he wanted to eat but the rest of her was off limits. He hadn't been denied something he'd wanted in years. He'd forgotten how much it sucked.

"Going into the Club?" Ethan picked up the cards.

"Nah. Home."

"It's early." Ethan's blue eyes studied him. "What's wrong with you? I didn't expect to see you again tonight after leaving with Maggie."

"Tired." He was more than tired. He was in a crappy mood. He had been since he'd found out about Maggie's kids.

There was a knock on the door.

"Ethan," hollered Nick.

"Back here," yelled Ethan.

"My timing is excellent," mumbled Terry as Nick and his fiancé, Sarah, walked in.

"Hey," said Ethan, smiling at Sarah. "What brings you two here?"

"We're going to explore the Club for a bit." Nick gave Terry a curt nod, pulling Sarah a little closer to his side.

Terry's nagging about a prenuptial agreement had put a wedge between him and Nick. He should be happy for his friend. He would be except he knew how bad marriages got when they ended and most of them did end. So, he'd continue harassing the fool until Nick either agreed to sign a prenup or got married. Nick was worth a lot of money and he needed to think with the head on his shoulders, not the one between his legs.

"Have fun." Ethan grinned at the couple as he stuffed another cookie in his mouth.

"Well, I'm out of here." He'd been irritable before and having these two around wouldn't make it better.

"Cookies?" Nick moved forward.

Terry thought a moment about being an ass and saying they were his but he was too tired. Usually, he enjoyed arguing. He was a lawyer, but tonight he wasn't in the mood.

"They're Terry's," teased Ethan.

Nick grabbed two cholate chips cookies and turned to Sarah. "What kind do you want?"

"None for me." She eyed Terry nervously.

He hadn't been overly friendly with her the few times they'd met. He should be. If he ostracized Sarah, Nick would never speak with him again, let alone listen to him. "Try some. They're very good." He snatched the container from beneath Nick's hands and held it out to her. "Please, have one."

"They're fabulous." Ethan tipped his chair, so he could grab a few more.

"Thank you." Sarah looked Terry in the eyes and he almost understood what made all these guys—Ethan, Nick and even Hunter—want to protect her.

She looked innocent, untarnished by the world, but he'd talked to her in the Viewing when she'd first come to the Club and she was stronger than she appeared.

"These are great." Nick stuffed the second cookie in his mouth and grabbed two more.

Sarah took a bite of hers and almost moaned. "They're delicious. Did you make them?"

Ethan burst out laughing and Nick almost choked on his cookie.

"Terry? Terry can't cook," muttered Nick.

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