Chapter 14: Terry

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Terry stared down at Maggie, his heart beating an erratic rhythm. If she turned him away now, after she'd been so giving and responsive in the car, he might weep. He hadn't wanted a woman like this in a long time. "Let me come inside." His dick hardened even more at the double entendre. He cleared his throat. "We can just talk, if you want." She was as hot for him as he was for her. If they were in a house alone, they'd do a lot more than talk and they both knew it.

"I don't think you want to come inside." There was a sad smile on her lips—lips that were swollen and red from his kisses.

"Oh, I absolutely do want to come inside." Her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Everywhere she'd let him.

Her eyes widened and her face heated as she realized what she'd said.

"And I guarantee we'll both like that." He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. It was soft. She was soft and he was excruciatingly hard.

"Okay. I'll make some coffee." She put her key in the lock and opened the door, stepping inside.

Yes, yes, and yes. They were finally going to fuck. He'd move slowly with the dominance. She was such a natural sub. It wouldn't take long for her to discover the pleasure they both would have with her submission. Something moved on the couch. No, not something. Someone. A young girl. Teenager but she was lumpy, holding something to her chest.

"Shhh. I just got him to sleep." The girl stared at the pile of blankets in her arms.

Terry's erection fled and his heart stopped. It wasn't blankets. It was a child.

Maggie strode over to the young girl, taking the baby from her arms. "Did he give you too much trouble?"

"Not really. He was a little fussy." The babysitter's eyes darted to Terry. "He woke and wanted you. I know you're trying to get him off the bottle, but he was so fussy. I gave him one and held him until he went back to sleep."

"That's fine, Tina."

Maggie had a kid. He should've expected it. She was of that age and she was the type—giving, motherly.

"The other two?" asked Maggie.

"They were great," said the babysitter.

"Three kids? You have three kids." This was not at all what he'd expected.

The house was a disaster with packing boxes all over and kids' toys and clothes. The mess didn't bother him. They'd stay at his place but...the kids. Three. Three! And one was a baby, around two years old.

"Yes." Maggie turned toward him, a gleam in her eyes. "Did you still want that coffee?"

"What? No. I mean, I really should be going." His feet moved backward as he spoke. He wasn't getting involved with a woman who had children. No way. No how. He'd raised his kids.

"I didn't think so." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. "Goodnight, Terry and thank you for everything."

He hurried out the door and to his car. That was a narrow escape. It was too bad he hadn't fucked her at the Club or in the car. He still wanted her but didn't need the hassle.

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