Chapter 16: Terry

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Terry pulled into the driveway at Maggie's house. He grabbed the container from the car and strode to the front door.

Maggie opened it before he could knock. She had her phone in her hand. "Yes, he's here now."

"Who are you talking to?" He handed her the container.

She took it, dropping it behind her on a table by the door, before holding up her finger and signaling him to wait. One day he'd give her a spanking for acting like that.

"Thanks, but I can take an Uber to the garage." Her eyes met his and she flushed a pretty pink.

Damn, he wanted this woman and he wasn't going to have her, not tonight anyway. Not with a house full of kids.

"Goodbye, Ethan." She hung up the phone, slipping it into her pocket.

"You called Ethan? How'd you get his number?" He was going to murder his friend.

"I called the Club. I—"

"Why would you call the Club?" He tried to keep his tone neutral but she'd called Ethan. The man who had every woman licking the palm of his...whatever he wanted her to lick.

"Because you didn't tell me where you had my car towed. It must've slipped your mind as you raced out the door." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I didn't run out the door." He might have. Those few moments were a bit of a blur.

She raised her brow.

"I may have overreacted a bit." That was as much of a concession as he was willing to give. "But you could've warned...told me you had three kids." His voice lowered on the last two words.

"There's no reason to whisper like it's a dirty little secret."

"I didn't." He kind of had, but not intentionally.

Up went her brow again.

He moved a step closer. "Look. I don't want this to be the end."

Her shoulders slumped and she sighed. "I'm sorry, but—"

"I know you can't tonight but this weekend, we can..." He hesitated. Usually, he'd be blunt and say they'd fuck, but he wasn't stupid. She didn't like it when he cursed. He'd teach her to like it but until then, he'd curb his language. "Go out." And fuck.

"I-I can't." Her hand fluttered as if she were going to touch his arm and then it dropped to her side. "I have to work—"

"Great. I'll pick you up."

"My car should be done by then, won't it?"

He shrugged. "Maybe." It should be. Mattie was a very good mechanic.

"Where is my car?"

"Mattie's Machines."

"Oh, you did mention that. What's the number?" She pulled her phone from her pocket.

"Why? I'll take you there when the car is done."

"I need to call them and tell them my contact information."

He wanted to argue that he'd take care of it, of her, of everything, but there was a stubborn tilt to her chin that he recognized. It was universal to all women. It signaled that this was getting into dangerous, irrational territory. He pulled out his phone, found Mattie's work number and showed it to her.

"Thank you." She put it into her phone and then dialed.

"He's closed." Not that it mattered because Mattie would call him no matter what she said.

"Oh." She hung up, slipping her phone back into her pocket. "I'll call in the morning."

"Fine." He counted to five, reminding himself that he was glad she was being so stubborn. It'd make her submission so much sweeter. "Let's talk about this weekend."

"Terry, I can't."

"Okay. Then during the week. How about Tuesday? I'll pick you up. We can go out for dinner. A movie. Dancing. You pick." As long as they ended up at his place afterwards, they could go anywhere she wanted.

"I can't. I'm sorry." She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. "I like you. I do, but I truly don't have time to see anyone." She started to shut the door but hesitated. "Thank you for...for everything. You're a very nice man."

"Don't ever call me that." Oh, he was so not a nice man.

"What? A nice guy?"

He cringed. Nice guys did not get laid.

"Like it or not, that's what you are." She tried unsuccessfully not to smile.

He leaned down so his lips were by her ear. "Give me one night and I'll have you thinking a lot of things about me and not one of them will be that I'm nice."

"Oh? What will they be?" She didn't move away.

He'd take that as a good sign. "Hmm." He let his lips caress her ear. "Insatiable. Fantastic. The best you ever had." He smiled, letting her feel his grin against her cheek. "Huge."

She laughed as she took a step back, but there was unease in the sound, as if she were nervous. "Tempting, but I can't."

He followed her. "I can make you forget about everything. All your worries. All your fears. Give me one night."

"I can't." She pushed on his chest and he backed up.

"You can." He took her hand. "You deserve some time for you." Her skin was soft and warm. She smelled like vanilla. He wondered if she tasted as good.

"I-I don't have time. I'm sorry."

"Make time." He took her face in his hands and slowly leaned in, giving her plenty of time to stop him, but she didn't. He captured her lips in a soft caress, banking his passions. Now, was about persuading not conquering. He broke the kiss but stayed close enough that he could feel her breath on his lips. "You're a beautiful woman with needs and desires. You're not just a mother."

"I have too much to do." She took a step into the house. "I have three kids to care for and a job. Plus, I have to pack up the house." She took a deep, shaky breath. "We didn't meet at the right time." She took another step. "Goodnight and thank you again." She closed the door.

Terry stood there, not sure what to do. This had never happened to him before, not even when he'd been a gangly teenager. She'd shut the door in his face. Refused him. Well, she'd have to see him again when he drove her to the garage to get her car. He turned, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialing Mattie's personal number.

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