Chapter 22: Maggie

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"I can't." The words came from Maggie's mouth automatically, but they weren't true. She could go home with Terry. The kids were gone. She didn't have to work.

"This can be whatever you want. One night. More. Come home with me tonight and then decide."

His lips were on hers again, swallowing her refusal and she let go, only for a minute. She needed this moment. She deserved this moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his large hands cupped her backside, pulling her into his erection. She melted against him. She wanted to go with him and forget about everything—money, her job and god help her, even her kids. She just wanted to be a woman who desired a man for a few short hours.

A car pulled up next to them. Terry broke the kiss and she almost cried. Reality was returning.

He reached behind him and pulled out his wallet, keeping her tight against his body. "She won't be needing a ride." He hollered to the Uber driver, holding out a couple of bills.

She dropped her arms, hiding her face against his shirt as the driver came over and took the money.

"Thanks, dude. Have fun," said the driver.

"This is so embarrassing," she mumbled against his chest.

His hand was still on her ass. "You're embarrassed about this?"

She nodded, inhaling the clean smell of laundry soap, some kind of expensive cologne and him.

"This is nothing." He put his wallet away and his other hand came to her ass, lifting her.

"What are you doing?" Duh, he was carrying her across the parking lot. "You can't do this." She stared up at his handsome face.

"Go for it, dude," said the Uber driver.

"Terry, everyone's watching." She was surprised his clothes weren't singed from the heat coming off her face.

"Ignore them. Put your arms around my neck."

She obeyed without thinking.

"Good rabbit." He put her on the ground and opened his car door. "Now, get in."

She hesitated. This wasn't like her, but what had playing it safe and doing what everyone expected done for her? She was a chubby, divorced mother of three who was beyond broke. Still, old habits didn't go away easily. "We shouldn't."

"We should." He grabbed her chin. "We definitely should."

"I don't know."

"Get in. We'll go to my house and talk."

"Talk?" She couldn't help but smile.

"It's not what I want to do but if that's what you need...what you want, it's what we'll do."

She could do that. She could talk and then decide. Right. If lying to oneself was a sin, she'd better go to confession. She almost laughed. She'd have a lot more to confess than a lie if she went home with him.

"You have to come with me to get the car." His eyes gleamed with challenge.

"I'm not taking your car."

"I'm not giving you the car. I'm loaning it to you."

She frowned. "What if I damage it? You know the kids will have to ride in it and kids are messy."

"We'll talk about it at my place."

"Okay." She got into the car. She could lie to herself and say that was why she was going.

He closed the door and walked to the other side. He started the car and drove down the road.

Maggie stared out the window. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She shouldn't be doing this.

"Don't start having second thoughts."

"I-I'm not but—"

"No, buts." He took her hand bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "I want you. I have since the moment you bumped into me at the Club."


"I have no idea."

"Oh." That was not the answer she'd expected.

"Don't get your feelings hurt. I told you that I'm honest. Would you rather I lie to you?"

"No. I guess not." But something like he found her eyes pretty or thought she was hot would've been nice.

"Good. Because I'll never lie to you."

That sounded like a good thing but a lie of kindness wasn't too bad.

Terry pulled into a neighborhood that was very affluent. She'd thought she lived in a nice area. It was nothing compared to this. He drove down the street and she stared out the window in awe.

The houses were gorgeous. The yards were huge and immaculate. A family headed toward their car. The kids raced down the driveway, carrying little suitcases. She gasped.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Everything. That family was her family, except with a younger, prettier her.

David and her kids were getting ready for their trip. She'd known he wasn't hurting for money like she was, but she'd had no idea he lived in a neighborhood like this. Her lunch of toast and tea churned in her stomach. She was broke and he was living in luxury. She watched her children in the side mirror as Terry drove down the street. How long before her kids would be living with him full-time? How long before he took her to court so he could have custody of their kids? How long before she was alone?

Terry turned down another street and pulled into a driveway, pressing a button on his phone and opening the garage door. His place was a beautiful, two-story, red brick house. He parked his Mercedes next to a blue Volvo. His garage was cleaner than her house. He got out of the car.

She didn't move. If she went into that house, they were going to have sex. Her body screamed, What are you waiting for? It's been so long. Too long. You like him and he's got the biggest cock you've ever felt. She flushed. Her body was crude but accurate. Still, her brain argued that this meant nothing to him. As much as she'd like to believe that this was just sex for her too, it wasn't. She liked him and that wasn't good. She needed to get her life together without a man before she leaned on another one. Plus, what if David found out? Would this give him ammunition if he wanted custody of the kids?

He opened her door. "Maggie." He held out his hand.

She caught a whiff of his cologne—it was rich and dark, like him.

He crouched down so he was looking in her eyes. "I promise that this is whatever you want it to be."

"You swear, you'll let me decide?" She didn't know why she asked. It didn't matter. She already knew what she was going to do. David wouldn't find out if it were only this one time. He was going on a weekend trip with their kids and all she had planned was going home to her empty house filled with boxes and sadness.

"Yes." His lips were thin. He wasn't happy about that, but he'd do it.

"Just this once." She took his hand.

His dark eyes gleamed, "Whatever you say." He helped her out of the car. "But I give you leeway to change your mind."

"I won't." She couldn't. It wasn't worth the risk to her kids or her heart.

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