A Night Of Snow..

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Song of the Chapter is... Can You Hold Me by NF (Feat. Britt Nicole)

Peter has always been alone. Being abandoned at the age of 4 by his mom and never knowing who his dad was. He was forced to learn how to fend for himself on the busy streets of New York and it was very difficult for the little one, but he somehow managed to survive and make it another day. Maybe it was luck, or someone looking out for him up in the sky. The summer was easy to survive, but it was now winter in New York and Peter was not only starving, but he was also freezing. The weather was below freezing and it soon started to softly snow. Tony Stark was taking a stroll around New York, looking around the large city. Whenever he was restless and couldn't sleep, he'd go out late at night and just enjoy the peace and quiet of the city. When he got closer to his building, he saw a small human ball in ragged clothes and no shoes. The child was shivering and panting as well. 

When Tony approached the child, he frowned as he noticed how small they were. He reached out to touch the child and jerked back as the kid felt extremely cold, given the current weather. Snow was building upon the child and Tony wondered how long the child was out in the cold.
Tony picked the limp child up and threw his coat over the kid, hoping to warm them up a bit. He is grip tightened a little to hold the child against his chest and entered the building with the unconscious child in his arms. He rushed to Medbay and ran in slightly panting.

"This...." Tony didn't know what to say at this moment. He couldn't tell if the kid was a boy or girl, so he went with a safe bet and called them a kid. "Kid needs immediate medical attention." The nurse nodded and gestured to the stretcher in front of him.

Tony placed the kid down gently and the nurse rushed the kid back, as Tony walked over to the waiting room. Tony was hoping he made it to medbay in time and that the kid was alright. What was a kid that young doing out on the streets at this time? Tony looked at the clock and watched as the time changed from 8:59 to 9:00 at night. He also checked the temperature outside and gasped when he saw that it was -10 degrees outside. How did the kid survive? Anyone would die at that temperature. I'd have to read the results of his blood testing. Tony was brought out of his thoughts when his phone rang. He sighed as he saw it was Pepper calling him. He put a forced smile on and answered.

"Hey Pep, how are you this fine evening?" Tony asked and he could just imagine her glare as she responded.

"Oh no. Don't you dare Anthony." Tony flinched at the use of his full name and sighed. "Where are you? Everyone at the banquet is looking for you." Pepper hissed and Tony's eyes widened.

"Sorry Pep. Something important came up as I was walking around." Uh oh, Tony knew as soon as he said he was walking he signed his death warrant.

"You were walking?!" Pepper whisper yelled into the speaker, causing Tony to pull his phone away a little. "What importance came up as you were walking, Tony? It better not be another excuse to get out of yet another business party." Tony could imagine Pepper crossing her arms and giving him the disappointed look.

"I found a kid Pep.." Tony sighed and Pepper didn't hesitate to call bullshit.

"You found a kid Tony?! That's your-"

"The kid was dying Pepper!" Tony almost yelled into the phone and Pepper shut up.

"I'll stop the banquet and be over soon." Pepper's voice softened and Tony hung up.
He hung his head down and focused on his hands. He only looked up when he heard heels approaching him and gave a tight smile as he spotted Pepper making her way to him.

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