Chapter 4- Nightmare

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The song above is the clean version of Nightmare by Halsey! (Just in case anyone's apprehensive of swearing).

Tapping my foot nervously, I tuck my hair behind my ear. He's already ten minutes late. I flick through my copy of Mrs.Dalloway. I've already done research on the main characters - especially Septimus and Clarissa who were the main focus of the story. I had read articles and summaries of the book so I could get an idea of what it was about beforehand. I can already safely assume that Will hadn't done the same.

Another ten minutes later he rushes into the library. "Sorry I'm late. I was kept behind in maths." He apologizes and sits down next to me. His hair is slightly damp. "Did you run here?" I resist the urge to laugh. He looks a bit disheveled and his hair is more messy looking.


"Maybe." He bites his lip. It was truly ironic. Now I can say that all the boys come running to me. "Have you got a copy of Mrs.Dalloway?" I ask. A look of panic overtakes Will's face. Of course he didn't get a copy. After much deliberation I decide to share my copy with him.

It's a nightmare to share a book with someone. Will reads painfully slow - probably from his lack of reading of anything that isn't mandatory for school. As I turn the page, our fingers brush and I can't stop the blush coming onto my face. Will laughs. It soon becomes quite evident that he's skim reading and not really paying attention to the text.

"Could you read it for me?" Will asks, his voice barely a whisper. Looking up, I see that Will is avoiding my eye contact. I veto my idea of teasing him and begin to read to him softly. "'Fear no more the heat o' the sun, nor the furious winter's rages...'" I start reading from the point we got up to.

"You've got a good voice for reading." Will says. His eyes pull me in and I try not to drown in them. "Thank you." I say politely.

I continue reading and I notice that Will is staring at me. Like, really staring at me. It's kind of unnerving actually. "Pictures last longer y'know?" I say, closing the book.

"I..." Will starts, but he looks at me like I just caught him robbing a bank. I empathise a little for him. I raise my eyebrows - I have to bite the inside of my cheek to refrain myself from commenting on his vocabulary. Whenever I get nervous, I tend to make arkward jokes or act a little snarky. "It's just that you're.." Will begins coughing.

Is he blushing?

"You're... uh..." He rubs his neck, his face flushed red. "Pretty?"

Well, it's safe to say that I wasn't expecting that. I don't think that anyone's ever called me pretty before. Especially a boy.

"Thanks." I suddenly find the floor really interesting. The way that the light hits the floor after passing through the gaps in the blind and the shadows cast from the branches of the trees outside-

I stop looking at the floor and look at Will. Like he looked at me. His skin is a beautiful golden-honey tan colour and his jawline is as sharp as a model's. He has a cute button nose and his eyes- Well, his eyes could be talked about for days. They are a beautiful ocean blue, to say the least, and look like they change shades sometimes. His hair is golden too, a myriad of shades really. Each strand looks as if it were woven from the dawn of day and the sunset before the stars. It looks soft to touch, slightly wavy and hangs over his forehead ever so slightly. His lips are slightly pinkish and I can't help wonder what it would be like to-

No. I almost shake my head. I knew that closing myself off from people was a bad and risky idea before I started the scarring, but now I'm too invested and attracted by others. Being curious is in my nature and I've deprived myself of it for a long, long time.

I have remind myself that not all feelings are mutual. Some are unrequited. If I like someone it doesn't necessarily mean that they like me back - unless they feel guilty and obligated to, which isn't that romantic.

I'm probably just a new play toy. A mystery he can't solve. Besides, I have bigger problems to solve in life and bigger questions to question. Like the half-written essay on my desk, my parents arguments and why wattpad authors don't update werewolf stories quick enough. Great combination you got going on there!

Will looks me up and down, analysing me. He seems in deep thought. Raising my eyebrow, I wonder what he's thinking. "I'm trying to figure you out." Will tries to explain, noticing my expression.

"Well, I should probably warn you that you're not going to find buried treasure." I set the book down on the table carefully. The librarian comes to tell us that the library is going to close soon (it's a school library, so it's not open for as long as a public one, or at least where I live). "Would you like to come around to my house?" Will asks me, as if that was a completely normal thing to say.

Will Nox invited me to his house.

Okay then.

"Sure." I say. "Are you okay with it though?"

"Uh, I just invited you, of course I'm okay with it!"

Laughing, I put my copy of Mrs.Dalloway in my bag and watch Will sling his rucksack over his shoulders. As he lifts up his arms, his shirt lifts up slightly and I can't help from peeking. I can see a bit of his perfect golden skin, across his midriff.

Why are you looking there? What if he catches you? Oh great, now I'm blushing! Why can't I look away? Why was my first thought 'Yeehaw!'?

He has the perfect balance of slim and ripped. The same can't be said for me. I tend not to look into mirrors - it just makes me kind of depressed. "Pictures last longer y'know?" Will taunts me with my words. I blush.

I'm not really sure if he said anything, but I swear I heard him mutter "cute" under his breath. I probably heard wrong, but still, I turn redder.

We leave the library, side-by-side and walk out of the school to Will's house. I'm pretty sure that his house was a mansion- I heard people gushing about his parties, none of which I was invited to, of course. The sky is blue and we walk on the pathways under the branches of the trees. "Can I ask you some questions?" Will asks. I nod.

"Cats or dogs?" He asks, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Cats, definitely." I smile. "You?"

"Dogs are more to my taste." He shrugs. "What about movie genres?"

"Action or comedy. Or fantasy or science fiction I guess."

"Good choices. Favourite food?"

"I love falafel. You?" I walk a little faster so I can keep up with him. Will is quite tall. "No particular favourite. Anything unhealthy honestly." Will laughs.

Of course, he's the one with the bad diet yet the defined muscles...

Will turns to look at me over my shoulder and gives me a blinding smile. It should be illegal for people to look that good. As he winks at me, I can't help but give a small, true smile.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading my story, every vote and read counts! What did you think of the chapter? Feel free to comment, vote and quote! Thanks! 💛


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