Chapter 14- Someone You Loved

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"Please talk to me." My Dad pleads. He looks at me, his face worn and guilt ridden. "It's too late for that now." I say. "If you wanted to talk to me, you could've when I cried every day when I was five years old because I missed you and didn't understand why you were passed out on a sofa."

"Please." He pleads. "I tried. I only made one mistake..." I cut him off before he can say anything else.

"One?" I laugh. "Do you know what happened on the 23rd of April?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"That was the first time when you hit mum. You apologized for the rest of the evening and then forgot that it happened in the morning." I say. "Do you remember that award I won for academic achievement when I was 10?" I ask him, and before he can answer, I do. "The day I won it, I put it up on the fridge and when I heard you were in the kitchen, I wanted to see if you saw it, but you were drinking and got startled and spilt your wine over my certificate."

"Those were mistakes!" He shouts, angrily.

"What about when you called me fat and put me down every day until I started starving myself? Was that a mistake?" I say in a harsh tone. "What about on my birthday when you admitted that you never wanted me and I was a mistake? Because you can't make up for that. You never will."

I storm out of the house and feel my eyes tingle. But I don't cry. My eyelids just feel awfully heavy and all I really want to do is end it all and just lie down on the road looking at the cloudy sky. It wouldn't be a bad way to go.

I walk along roads that all seem foreign until I realise where I'm heading. I'm going to Will's house.

He might not even be there, but I just have a strange pull to go and find him. It's not fair of me to play with him like this. He will never deserve someone as bad as me, but maybe when he finds someone else one day, he'll think of me as Ghost, the girl who broke my heart.

I walk through the gate and run up to the house. I knock on the door and wait.

No response.

What was I thinking I'd get out of this? I was stupid to come here.

I walk away from the door and back to the gate. I hear the doors open behind me and someone running up to me, but I don't look back until they call my name. "Ghost!" I hear Will's voice call and I turn around.

Will's running up to me, and as soon as I see him, I break down. He doesn't panic or pause ; he just wraps his arms around me and I lean in, sobbing. I try not to get tears onto his shirt. "I'm sorry." I say, my throat sore. "I'm getting your shirt wet."

Will pulls away and shakes his head as if he's thinking something to himself silently. "Do you want to come in?" He offers me. Unable to speak, I nod.

This time, we don't go to the library. Will leads me upstairs to his room.

It's not grand like I'd expect it to be, in a house like this. It's mostly empty apart from a bed with crisp white sheets, a wooden desk and a deep blue velvet sofa facing a large TV. There's no posters or pictures, or anything that personal.

Will sits down on the sofa and I sit next to him. He offers me a box of tissues and I take a few, embarrassed. "Are you okay?" Will asks me.

I raise my eyebrow. "Define okay." I say, even though it's a question I don't want a response.

I guess it's a command.

Will sighs. "Sorry. That was stupid of me to phrase it poorly." He says. "Are you feeling well on this fine evening?" He mimics a posh tone and kisses my hand gently.

I laugh.

And blush. Naturally.

The good thing about being around Will is that I'll never need to buy blusher. My smile disappears when I think of an answer. "I guess that I'm feeling not that great." I admit.

"Who hurt you?" Will asks. "Do you want me to beat them up? Because I can, you know."

I laugh.

"See! That's the smile that I love." He says smiling and my mind repeats love, love, love over and over again and I can't stop myself from grinning.

"Don't worry. I'm already feeling better by just being here." I say. Will blushes and bites his lip and I laugh.

"Hot." I mutter.

Then when I see Will turn a further shade of crimson, my eyebrows dart up and my eyes widen.

Oh shoot, I said that out loud, didn't I?



How far down is ground from Will's bedroom window?

Eh. I can afford to break a leg. Maybe then I'll get some luck.

"You think that I'm hot?" Will says, grinning like a mad man. I can feel the teasing coming up. I resit the urge to jump up and crack the shutters.

"Well, you're not that bad either Ghost." He says, ocean eyes sparkling.

"Not that bad?" I say, pretending to be outraged. "Aren't I at least a 6?" I ask, laughing.

"Definitely more than a 6." Will says adamantly. I laugh. Open your eyes, Will. Then there's a comfortable silence afterwards and I can feel Will looking into my eyes.

I look away.

I don't know how long I can handle this without giving in.

Will's P.O.V

We talk for a bit more. There's something that I need to say to her. I repeat the words like a mantra inside of my head.

When I hear her laugh, I have no doubt.

Just ask her. That's all you have to do.

I can feel the words on the tip of my tounge and I run my hand through my hair. "Ghost?" I ask her. She turns to look at me.

God, she's beautiful. So, so beautiful.

"I was wondering if you... If..." I stuggle. My mind thinks of the worst scenario that could happen.

"If..." She says, trying to prompt me into continuing. She looks serious, but I can see a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me." I ask nervously, and watch her cheeks turn pink and I can't refrain myself from smiling.
Hi! Thanks for reading my story.

Soooo... What do you think of this chapter? It's kind of all over the place (sorry), but I'm definitely planning on going over this story regularly and editing it.

14 chapters and they still haven't went on a date (they're the epitome of slow) so I thought since this is a romance story, I should probably try to make it romantic.

So, yeah.

Also, sorry for the late update. I've not really been that active lately (on Wattpad and physically- lol) because of everything and having to study at home. I hope that everyone is staying safe, given the circumstances.

Thanks for reading! 💛


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