chapter 17

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* She be my queen since we were sixteen we want the same things, we dream the same dreams, a-*
i wake up to one direction Steal my girl blasting thru my alarm clock. I get up and get ready fro my first day of school after christmas break which i spent with zack and his family in camcoon.At the the hell hole i call school. I got in my blue mustang and headed off to school once i got there i met up with Zack.
*in french class*
Me and Zack where sitting next to each other and then the teacher came in and said "wellcome back everyone now lets start with talking about our class trip to paris" all in french ofcousre. we talked about the class trip we were going to go in 2 weeks. i couldn't wait!
* two weeks later*
i was getting ready for for the trip packing everything P.j hovering over my sholder like my mom helping me get all my stuff together and making sure i have enough stuff for my trip. we get to miss 2 weeks of school and not makeup any of the work! i got all my stuff packed with pjs help (duh) and went to bed ready to wake up early the next morning. the next morning i got woken up by pj shaking the crap out of me telling me its time to go so i got up brushed my hair putting it into a cute messy bun , put on a little makeup, sweats and a big Pink sweater and was ready for blake and pj to drop me off at the airport. the dropped me off and pj gave me strict directions to call her rigth when we landed i said yeah with a little eye roll at how motherly she can be but i know she only means the best. i was sitting by my best school friend lexi sad because i couldnt sit by Zack but little did i know lexi and zack were talking to eachother about switch because lexi's boyfriend Spencer was sitting next to Zack and i couldnt hear anything cause i had my headphones in. Lexi got up to go to the bathroom i guessed and i felt someone sit next to me and take one of my earbuds out i turned my head to see zack giving me that cheaky grin of his putting the headphone in his ear. it was a long 14 hour flight and me and zack fell asleep me laying on zack him laying on me( it makes sense in my head) i woke up as soon as we hit the ground. i was put into a house with lexi. we had the grooses meal; for dinner. snails. i couldnt wait to see Zack tomorrow. we wnt to bed and talked for another 2 hours before about our relationships.
*end of the weeks*
wee had a blast me and lexi made a plan that spencer was going to sneek into our house and i was going to go with Zack. it worked the people we where staying with where so oblivious. it was the day before we were going to leave and we were going to go to the effil tower. we had a blast and didn't want the time to end. it ended way to soon it was 2 weeks but it felt like 2 days! on the plane back me and Zack sat next to each other and watched the falt in our stars. i cryed at the end( not going to give it way to anyone) zack held me tight as i cryed and after about 10 movies we were back home in the lovely San Deigo California

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