Chapter One

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" Jacob! Get yo' ass up!"

"Nigga! Stop yellin'!"

"I'll stop yellin' when you get yo' ass up! Now get yo' ass up!"

I trudged outta bed, glarin' at Rayan for wakin' me up for some damn tickets he know we ain't gone win. I walked into my connected bathroom, hopped in the shower washing my curly, brown hair and my caramel skin. After I got out the shower, I did my hygiene then I walked out my bathroom still wet without a towel. I walked in to see Chres, Craig and Rayan sittin' on my bed watchin' tv. I walked over to dresser in front of my tv and bent down to get my black lace boyshorts and my black Tupac bra with his picture on one cup and the words Thug Life on the other. I turned around to see a blinking Craig while Chresanto and Rayan laughed. Oh! Craig is Rayan's older cousin and Chresanto is my younger step- brother.

"Sorry Craig," I smirked," Forgot you like dicks."

If you don't understand, Craig is gay, but he done had a crush on me for a while now. After puttin' my underwear on I walked to my closet and put on one of my Odd Future hoodies, some high- waisted booty shorts and some Odd Future socks. I climbed back into bed, snugglin' up in between Rayan and Chresanto. I must have dozed off because I woke up to a very excited Rayan in my face.

"What Rayan?" I say mushin' his face outta my face.

"Ima let that one slide, but we won," he whispers.

"Won what?" I asked, confused.

"The tickets to the August Alsina and Trey Songz concert! Plus backstage passes!" he squealed.

"You lyin'!" I said, shocked.

Rayan just shook his head no and started doin' his happy dance which was pretty R-rated. I bounced outta bed and started dancin' with him. After dancin', I turned to Rayan and exclaimed,"We have to go to the mall! Like NOW !"

"OMG! We do!I have nothin' to wear!" Rayan shrieked,"Trey ain't gone glance at me in any of the clothes I own and the concert is tomar' night!"

"Exactly. The concert's tomar' night," Chres interrupted," Ya'll got enough damn time."

"Shut up! We don't have enough time!" Rayan and I screamed at the same time.

"Okay, okay!" Chres groaned," Calm yo' titties. Shit."



"Mr. Alsina, we need you to do a quick sound check."

"Aight," I shrugged and followed the person onto the stage.

After we finished, I headed home. When I got home, I saw one person I wished I'd never see again . . . Julkeishia, my ex-girlfriend. I sat in my car then turned off the radio, which had a girl winnin' some of my concert tickets plus some backstage passes. I guess I'll meet her tommar'. Anyways, now I got to deal with this trick on my porch. I huffed, got outta my car and walked up to my front door.

"August! Baby, I miss you," she faked.

" Julkeishia, why the fuck is yo' bean head ass over her'?" I huffed, unlockin' my front door, walkin' inside with her right behind me.

"Baby! I want you!" she pouted, lyin'.

"Hoe, we both know damn well you don't want me. So the fuck you want?"

"You right. I don't want you. I want Trey, so I need some tickets to yo' concert to talk to him."

I turned around from the fridge and looked at her like she was dumb. And to think I fell in love with this thot.

"I'm gone telll yo' ass this before I let Trey talk to you and hurt yo' feeelin'. Trey don't want you. You are a gol' diggin' slut, who obviously don't give a fuck 'bout people's feelin's, so what make you think Tremaine wants yo' ass?" I explained, very slowly.

"You don't know what you talkin' 'bout, so shut up and get me the tickets," she sighed, poppin' . . . that . . . damn . . . gum.

"I do know what I'm talkin' 'bout. I went against Trey's judgement and got with yo' stupid ass. I should've listened to Trey. He never liked you and I doubt he ever will. Plus you ain't 'bout to come and tell me to give you some damn tickets to my concerts. Bitch you guessed it! Wooo! You wasn't right now get the fuck out."

" Ugh," she stomped, then whipped , blue hair (A.N. No she ain't Zonnique.) lookin' like a wave.

Just then Trey walked in the house with a look of disgust on his face when he saw Julkeishia. She sent him a flirtatious smile which made Trey and I gag. She just huffed and stormed outta the house, slammin' the door behind her.

"Girl don't be slammin' no damn doors in this house!" hollered Wanda, our housekeeper,"Silly gurl."

Trey and I laughed. Wanda was like a 2nd mother to us both. She treated us like her children.

"Wassup August," Trey chuckled.

"Dealin' with this concert and that trick. Gone come in the damn house, lie to me, then demand that I give her some tickets to our concert, so she can see a nigga that can't stand her," I ranted.

"So she came her', lied to you, and demanded you to give her tickets to our concert to come see me?" trey asked, confused.

"Yep," I confirmed, poppin' the "p".

"But I can't stand her ass!"

"I told her this, but she didn't wanna believe me."

"I hope you ain't give her the tickets."

"Hell nah. I ain't stoopid. (A.N. See what I did? No? Well then . . .) But I was listenin' to the radio and I heard that this girl won some of our tickets plus some backstage passes with her friend."

"Forreal. Das wassup. Ya' get ha' name?"

"Yea, but it sounded kinda manly."

"What was it?"

"Rayan . . ."


Sooo . . . this is the first book I've actually published. Umm I hope you guys actually like it. I just realized how freakin' hard this is ,but I'll keep doin' it if you guys actually like it. Sooo . . . yea. *-*




~ Winter

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