Anthony Shadow

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Anthony is a new character that has never been mentioned before. He came randomly out of nowhere after I created his female counter part, Ana. So like I discovered with Ana, he is also the embodiment of curiosity, and therefore, cannot be killed. Merely his body can be destroyed. He only wears black.

Name: Anthony Shadow

Nicknames: Curious Anthony

Birthday: N/A

Age: Ageless but appears 8

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (straight)

Species: Unknown

Family: None

Lover: None

Weapons: Unknown

Likes: Discovering new things, being out and about, exploring, mysteries

Dislikes: Finding boring things, unable to explore and discover, leaving a stuffed blue bear alone

Personality: Curious, calm, easily bored, jumpy, mysterious, childish,

One paragrapgh description of how they would describe themselves: I"m just very curious.

Drives and Motivations: Discovering new things

Skilled At: Observing

Unskilled At: Keeping quiet

Other Talents: Guarding powerful people or creatures

Good Characteristics: Is observant in any situation

Character Flaws:  Too curious

Accomplishments:  Guarding the embodiment of good

Other: Anthony came sometime after I made Ana, and now I have his image on the side. Or above if you're on the app. He's truly just as mysterious as Abyss. What I do know is what you see above and also he is guarding Lucas. He is in a fragile state and has reverted to a stuffed animal and Anthony carries him everywhere. Protecting him. His female counterpart is named Ana Shadow.

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