Dedicated to my Mom

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As I walked through out the train full of compartments, I've noticed but one single lonely women, sitting alone.

I asked the beautifull young lady if she had any room to spare.

She let me stay. For awhile it was me and her.

Then she talked.
She said What a view from the window almost as if the stars are twinkling at me.

Another girl joined not long after I did. I thought I saw a replica of the young lady sitting across from me.

She asked if she could join our compartment. The other women complied.

For awhile it was the 3 of us.

The first women spoke again.

She said once when I was younger I used to take my brothers and sister to play in meadows like this one.

Then a young man around the first lady age came in with a little girl around the same age as the other girl came in.

They asked if they could join us.

We all complied at once.

So it was just the 5 of us for awhile.

Then the first women spoke again.

She said as long as the sun rises well see tomorrow and the next to come.

Then a younger came in and asked if could join us.

We all complied happily.

So the six of us stayed in the compartment.

The first women looked away from the window for the first time that day.

She smiled and said.
If I where to die right now I'll die without regrets and the happiest women alive I feel complete.

We all smiled. I left first, the second girl second almost at the same the third and forth a little later. The man stayed with the first lady.

He asked her if she wanted to get coffee after 100x asking she finally said yes.

Mom you taught me to love everything I laid eyes on. You taught me hate was non existent. I'm sorry for all I've done these 2 years.

I hope one day you'll forgive me for my sins. I was at my worst two years ago. I hope you understand, even if you dont just know.

I love you three thousand mom.

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