Author's Note

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Hi!, I'm just going to do a quick introduction:

-my name is Emilie
-I'm 16 years old ( I was born the 25th of October )
-I have a twin sister
-my main language is Spanish
- I made a YouTube video about Ethan, if you want to watch it the title is: "Ethan Hwang tiktoks (or about him)
-Part two up now!
-My tiktok is @emilie.e.e .-.
- I also make digital art work. If you want to check it out my Instagram is @yellowbearfangirl
-my Twitter is @YellowBearFG

Btw if you see that i misspelled a word or something doesn't make sense, please feel free to let me know. I would like to improve in my English writing.

I hope that you guys like my fanfics and if you have any suggestions please also let me know!

And I spook-
Peace out!

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