Wierd late night conversations

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The picture above It's not mine, all credits go to the owner of the pic.
Btw, the picture doesn't have to do much with the story, I just thought it was aesthetically pleasing
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And please let me know if you have a request.

This was requested by: Pastelnavi  thank you for being my first request! I hope I didn't mess up ❤️

*Hour: 2:03*

*Hour: 2:03*

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*No one's P

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*No one's P.O.V*

You expected everything from Ethan since he was kind of crazy, but this was way too much.
You can't believe he was outside your house this late (or early) at night.
You kind of felt bad for him, he was probably freezing outside and he probably wouldn't have came all the way to your house unless it was something really important.

Without waiting one more second you opened your window . Thankfully your room was really close to the ground so he just needed to take impulse and jump to get inside.

"Is this a joke? How did you get here? Don't you live like 10 blocks away from my house?" You whispered yelled at him before he even tried to climb up to your room.

"Do you know what a bicycle is?" He said while pointing at his bicycle that was now laying on the floor, the tire still spinning.
Ethan said it so normally that it almost made it feel like coming to your house in a bicycle in the early morning is better than walking all the way over here.

You rolled you eyes while starting to regret opening the window.
You stepped back so Ethan could have more space to go into your room.

When he finally got in you helped him sit on your bed since he was breathless after climbing in.
"Ethan, what the hell are you doing? Are you okay?" You said looking into his eyes trying to find any sign of sadness or anything that justified his presence.

"Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I? OH MY GOD, AM I BLEEDING?" He said genuinely scared while touching his face trying to find any blood.

He was being too loud and you knew that if he continued like that your parents would wake up, so you put your hand over his mouth to shut him.

"Fist of all be quiet, second of all, of course that's not what's happening. What I want to know is what made you come all the way over here" you said whispering.
You took your hand off his mouth to let him answer your question.

"Oh, I just.... you know... I-"

"WHAT IS IT?" You whispered yelled once again

"PUPPIES" Ethan shouted and you covered his mouth, again, while putting your index finger on your lips to remind him to stay quiet. "What I wanted to say was that... I thought that it's really sad that puppies only know their human owners and that's probably all they dream about, instead us, humans, can dream of a lot of things" Ethan finally said quietly. It almost seemed like he was going to cry.

"Ethan you are delirious, did you really came all the way over here for that?? Why didn't you wait until tomorrow??" You said getting angry by the second.

"Well that's not quite the reason why I came here, the real reason is that I was scrolling thought Quora and I saw a dude saying that 2 A.M. conversations are the best. So I stayed up until, 2 A.M. and I decided to text you. I knew you would respond, because you always do even if it's late at night." He said and took a moment to breathe
"The point is that I really want to talk to you right now"

You blinked exaggeratedly for about 3 seconds. DID HE REALLY WAKE YOU UP FOR THIS???AND EVEN WORSE, WAS HE IN YOUR HOUSE AT 2 A.M. FOR THIS???

"No" you said and went to your favorite side of your bed to get some sleep.
But Ethan didn't seem to leave.
You looked at him and he was in the same corner of the bed where you left him, he was just staring back at you.

"You are not going to leave, are you?"


You pulled the cover off you body and sat next to him again "Fine, but just for some minutes because we have school tomorrow"

"Thank you so much, I owe you something" Ethan said trying to hug you, but you didn't hug him back since you were still kind of annoyed that he woke you up. "Maybe you should start Y/N".

"Alright..." you stared at a spot in your wall without blinking, trying to focus, until without taking your eyes off it you said: " You know... sometimes I think about when I was young and about how stupid I was. And that means that someday my future self is going to talk bad things about me. But I'm not even mad, I probably deserve it" you finally looked at Ethan with an innocent smile while he looked at you like he just discovered the cure of cancer.

"Your turn"

"Right... I was thinking that.. you know... girls-" before he said anything else you stopped him "Ethan I swear if you say something inappropriate I'll go back to sleep." He widened his eyes "NO, it's nothing like that, just hear what I got to say: At special occasions girls with curly hair straighten it and girls with straight hair curl it."

You think about what Ethan said. He right, and it didn't make sense, like the rest of the night.

You two stayed up until you could see the sun starting to come out.
And without noticing, the two of you fell asleep in your bed.
Later on you realized it was a bad idea because your mom came into your room to wake you up and saw Ethan and you sleeping. She probably misunderstood the situation.

After that night from time to time Ethan and you stay up until your eyelids start to close by themselves to talk about the weirdest things in the world.


This was really fun to write, I hope you really like it!
If you have any request please let me know!
If you enjoyed this chapter please leave a ⭐️

Peace out!

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now