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*Your P.O.V*

I was in a mall having dinner with my family, but when we left I realized that I forgot my phone in the restaurant. So I went back to get it while my family waited for me in the car.

When I finally got it and I was on my way back to the car I realized that my family must be mad that I'm taking so long. So I decided to go on the elevator to save time.

*Ethan's P.O.V*

Some of my friends and I (the young cast of The Umbrella Academy) were hanging out in the mall, but we got kinda bored so we decided to play truth or dare.
Everything was going fine until.....:

-Ethan, truth or dare?- Cameron said.

- Dare- i replied.
I already chose truth the last time they asked me, so I decided to choose dare.

-Mmm.....-Cameron said while thinking. I noticed that he was staring a girl that seemed to be in a rush- ..... i dare you to talk with that girl- he said while pointing at her.

- No way. And also she is going into that elevator- I said, getting nervous by just the thought of talking to her.

-hurry up then- Blake said while laughing.

And without thinking about it I ran to the elevator just before the door closed. It was only the two of us in there, but i couldn't bring myself to talk to her.
Some seconds passed and I got the courage to do it . But right when I was about to say a word the elevator went black.

* Y/N P.O.V*

When I got to the elevator a kid with glasses also got in with me. It was kinda awkward because he was really cute, but it would be weird if I asked for his number, right?

After some seconds I saw that the kid opened his mouth to say something but before he could say anything the elevator went black.
After a minute or so the elevator got light again.
Me and the kid looked at each other with a scary gaze.
We both knew that we were stuck in here.

Thankfully I had my phone with me, so I called my mom and told her what happened. She told me that she was going to tell the security of the mall what happened .

The kid didn't seem to have a phone so I decided to tell him what my mother said because he looked like he was having a panic attack.

- I just called my mother and she is going to contact the security of the mall, don't worry- I said while giving him my warmest smile.

He still looked scared. Maybe I could distract him talking.

-So... what's your name?- I said.

-it's E..Ethan- he replied.

-My name is Y/N.... and....what were you doing here?- I said trying to make conversation.

Slowly the conversation started to be more fluid and he seemed more relaxed.
I don't really know how much time we talked but soon the elevator started to work again.

When it opened we both came out.

-it was nice talking to you- I told him.

-same, thank you for making me feel better- he said while smiling.

-no problem.

-by the way... can I have your number?- he said shyly.

-of course- I said.

After that we said goodbye and I finally went to the car with my family.

I know that being trapped with a stranger in an elevator may sound bad. But I actually enjoyed it.

The End.


Thanks for reading!
Sorry because this chapter was really short and trashy. But lately I have a lot of homework so please be patient with me. I'll soon post something good I swear.

If you liked it leave a ⭐️ please

Peace out!

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now