Partying with Ethan

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Disclaimer: I've never been to a party, so I don't really know what I'm writing
If you like it please leave a ⭐️
I accept requests btw!
Warning: mentions of alcohol and you also get drunk with Ethan, but not on purpose

Word count: 1.4k

*No one's P.O.V* ( please let me know if you prefer a P.O.V)

What were you doing here? You don't even know it. Probably no one in this room knows what you're doing here since they haven't seen you before.

Somehow, you and your best friend Ethan are in one of the best parties in your town.
You didn't really know who was the host of the party, but they said he had a big house and that everyone was invited.
This was all Ethan needed to hear.

You told Him that you didn't want to go because you don't  like parties, but deep down you knew that it was an opportunity that couldn't be let down.

At the end Ethan "convinced" you to go.

And that's where you two are at right now.


In the moment you two arrived to the party it was awkward. At first everyone stared at you two, but after some seconds everybody went back to what they were doing as if nothing happened.

You didn't know anyone in this party except for Ethan and...

"Ethan, My boy!" Dante screamed form across the hall.

You also knew Dante, but you didn't like him much because of Ethan. Not because Ethan thinks something bad about him, but because he is also Ethan's best friend. And that caused a psicological competition between Dante and you, competing on who is a better friend for Ethan.

When he approached you two he gave you an annoyed look and then he started to talk to Ethan like you weren't even there.

You thought it would be fun to spend some quality time with Ethan outside from school. But Dante screwed your plans once again.

Thankfully their talk was interrupted by some random dude.

"you guys want some drinks?" the random kid said. He looked like the typical cool kid that's why Ethan and you looked at each other questioning his kindness.

Ethan took it without saying anything.
So you did the same.

The random kid started to talk to you because Dante started to talk to Ethan again and it was kind of awkward for you two to stay besides them just listening to their conversation.

"What's your name?" He said trying to break the ice.
"Y/N" you said shyly
"I'm James. I've never seen you before, are you a new student?"

"Not actually, I just don't go to parties, but I bet this one is the most boring party ever. Where even is the host?? He is not greeting the guests nor offering snacks. He must be the worst host ever". You said getting all your anger out.

When you were about to complain more another random guy came up to James and you.

"Dude, there isn't any more alcohol and someone just threw up in your mother's favorite carpet"

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now