Ethan's Birthday

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*Requests are open*
I wanted to do a small one-shot for Ethan's birthday.
I hope you enjoy this chapter! And if you do please don't forget to leave a ⭐️ and a comment.
It means a lot to me❤️
Summary: Today's your best friend's birthday. Since the world is in a global pandemic only the two of you could meet up in your house. Will he be ready for your surprises?
Genre: Fluffy birthday one-shot. Be prepared for sweetness overload
Word count: 841 (probably less since I'm counting the A/N)

*No one's P.O.V*

Ethan could come in at any second. You can't believe you planned all this for his birthday.
Right when you were about to check for the 50th time that everything was where it should be someone knocks on the door.

"It's open!" You said since you would ruin one of the surprises by moving from your place.
Ethan came in, and right after, confetti came out of nowhere.
Before he even had time to process what was happening you yelled: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". While standing in front of a birthday decoration that you made yourself.

He looked at you with his glowing eyes, he looked really happy.
"Thank you Y/N" he said and went over where you were and hugged you.
"This is just the begging Birthday boy! You need to find all your presents hidden around the house. This is the first clue" Ethan looked at you almost laughing. He must have thought that you were treating him like a child. But you didn't care. Deep down you knew he loved this kind of stuff.

You gave him a piece of paper where there was a drawing:

Since his birthday was near Christmas you couldn't help but to add clues related to the holiday

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Since his birthday was near Christmas you couldn't help but to add clues related to the holiday.
As in the drawing, Ethan picked the present wrapped in yellow wrapping paper.
"You know me so well" he said after he took out a Fila Visor.
"I would be the worst best friend if I didn't get you a Visor" You said smiling to yourself, proud of knowing what he likes.

With the Visor there was another clue:

Ethan took it and without thinking about it twice he went straight to the fireplace where he saw all the Christmas stockings

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Ethan took it and without thinking about it twice he went straight to the fireplace where he saw all the Christmas stockings.
"You even bought a Christmas Stocking for me" he said making this face: 🥺.
"Of course, only the best for the birthday boy". You said getting happy at his happiness.

Ethan took the stocking and looked inside of it. He immediately started to smile.
"It's my favorite candy!, this is the best birthday ever" he said while hugging you again.
"Wait, there's one last clue" you said while handing him the last piece of paper with the clue that you took from the stocking.

"Wait, there's one last clue" you said while handing him the last piece of paper  with the clue that you took from the stocking

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It took him a second to understand before he said "Ohhhh" and then he went straight to the kitchen where his birthday cake was.
"Was it that hard to understand?" You said while following him.
"Im not trying to be mean, but what is that red thing?" He said laughing.
"Don't bully my microwave" you said while punching him.

When you two arrived to the kitchen you started to sing happy birthday to him while lighting up 16 candles.
"We might need a fire extinguisher for all those candles" he said after you finished singing.
"Shut up and blow them out" And he did, except that you noticed he didn't make a wish.
"You have to make a wish when you blow out the candles!"
"My wish already came true-I have you in my life." Your heart melted at his words.
"Awww. Even though it's your birthday, I'm the one getting the gift by spending it with you."
"Alright let's stop before this gets too cheesy" he said ruining the moment. But you just laughed.

"I can't believe your 16! They grow up so fast" you said while wiping your fake tears.
He lightly punched you and said "Shut up, your only 2 months older than me"
This made you two laugh. But you abruptly stoped when you remembered his last surprise.

"I haven't gave you your last gift! Follow me". You could tell he was nervous by looking at his worried face.
You took him where the last present was since the present was a bit heavy to carry around.
Before you two arrived you told him: "this present was a bit expensive. That's why Dante, Blake, Tj, Cameron, Eden, Aidan and me saved money to buy it".
"You guys are the sweetest friends" he said even before knowing what the present was.

But the time finally came.
You all bought him a blowfish 🐡!
Ethan started to cry, of happiness, when he saw the present.

"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS BOUGHT IT" he said while jumping around.
"Thank you, i'll never forget this day" he said while holding your hands.
"Well, thank you for being born" You said and you both started to laugh.

The end

I know this was a bit short but I wanted to make something special for his birthday.
Sorry for my weird looking drawings, i did my best.
Ethan, if you're reading this, HAPPY SWEET 16 ROLLER BOY.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you did please leave a ⭐️ and a comment

Peace out!

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now