Ethan's Heather

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The picture above it's mine! If you use it pls give me credits.
This fic was inspired by the song Heather by Conan Gray.
You can heart it mean while you read this! The video it's above next to the picture.
If you have any requests pls let me know, I would be more than glad to write your requests!
Genre: kinda friends to lovers, but I guess it's more like strangers to lovers.
There's also a tiny bit of Angst if you squint

Word count: 855 (it's a short one because I want you to read it while listening to the song)

Your P.O.V

I'm always tired when the last class of the day comes by. But it's not my fault, the teachers are so boring that they exhaust me.

That's why I always daydream in the last class.
Usually it's about food, but lately I can't help but to think about my classmate Ethan Hwang.
He is the cutest kid in class., sometimes he kinda mean, but most of the time he is an angel (and he also looks like one).

While I was daydreaming about what we could be if I wasn't shy the teacher asked me something.
Of course I wasn't listening, how could I be when Ethan was telling me exactly what I wanted to hear in my imagination.

"Y/N? So what's the answer?" The teacher asked once again. I freaked out and said the first thing that came to my mind: "Fifty-six".
Everyone started to laugh, even Ethan.

"Y/N, we are on history class" the teacher said.
She looked like she has holding back a face palm.
"Oh, then the answer must be Abraham Lincoln"
For a second there was complete silence until the teacher said: "surprisingly your answer is correct".
After that she continued her class like nothing happened.

I felt kind of ashamed, but it was worth it because i made eye contact with Ethan while he was laughing at me.


After class I was taking my notebook from my locker since I had homework.
Surprisingly Ethan came up to me. It was surprising because I never talked to him before, only when I needed a pen or so.

"Hey!" He said almost stuttering, he looked as red as a tomato.

"Hey Eth- " "Ethan lets go" She interrupted me.
She was Heather. Not only was she the most popular girl in the school. She was also the lead cheerleader and not to mention that she was probably the most beautiful girl in the whole city.

Ethan immediately obeyed her while he mouthed 'sorry'

Sometimes I wish I were Heather, she can make anyone do anything just by smiling.


Ethan hasn't talked to me in a week since Heather interrupted our conversation.
Well, that was until now.
After I  watched the basketball game (in which he played) he came up to me and we started talking.

Nothing in specific really, but it felt like it was the most meaningful conversation I ever had.

"Y/N about the other day-" before he could finish his sentence I saw Heather walk up to us.
"Thanks for lending me your sweater Ethan" she said while giving Ethan back his sweater, after that she left.

I couldn't believe it. He lended her his favorite sweater. Or at least I think it is his favorite, if it isn't his favorite then it's definitely my favorite on him.

I know it's just polyester, but now it's clear that he likes her better.

I was tired of his games, that's why I just ran out of the basketball court.
Ethan started to run after me. He obviously caught up and stopped me.

I was so mad at him, and that's why out of rage I said: "only if you knew how much I liked you. But I watch your eyes as she walks by. You gave her your sweater, she must mean a lot to you. I could never compete with Heath-"
Once again, before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by his lips on mine.

I'm not gonna lie, there were the softest lips I've ever felt. They were addicting and they tasted sweet.
For a second It felt like everything and everyone around us stopped and that we were the only ones in the whole world.

But when the kiss ended I remembered why I was mad.
"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty as Heather" I said with some tears in my eyes "Even after I kissed you you still think that I like her? She's my cousin!"

I swear I never blushed so hard before. I was so embarrassed.
But he didn't mind, he was glad that I also liked him.

The day finished with Ethan lending me his polo bear sweater and taking me home.

Now I'm officially his and he is officially mine.

The End


I hope you guys liked it!
I kinda did but at the same time i didn't lol.

If you have a request pls let me know
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Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now