Ethan asking you to give him a hickey

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First of all, I wanted to let clear that this isn't meant to sexualice Ethan.
If you like it please leave a ⭐️ and comment any suggestions or any mistakes that you see.

*No one's P.O.V*

You thought today was going to be a normal and usual day. But no.
When your best friend is Ethan Hwang nothing can be normal.

You two were talking at the school lunchtime. That is the only time where you two can talk with no one bothering you.
That's actually one of the reasons why Ethan is your best friend, as you two happen to be kind of antisocial.

The conversation was going well until Ethan brought up his sicko ex-girlfriend:

-y/n, do you remember my ex girlfriend Maddison?

-Of course I do, how could I forget someone that tried to clone you using your hair?- you replied while laughing at the memory.

Ethan just rolled his eyes at you.

- well, she keeps bothering me and asking me to get back with her.

-Have you tried telling her that you have a girlfriend?

-Of course I've tried but she doesn't believe me- Ethan said.

-your right, why would anyone believe that you have a girlfriend. Why was she even your girlfriend?- you said obviously joking, but your comment caused that Ethan hit your shoulder in joking way.

-But seriously, she is a sicko, what did you expect? Maybe she just wants a prove that you belong to someone- you said while giving some bites to your lunch- isn't that crazy? How do you even show to someone that you are taken? Marking them?

What you said seemed to give Ethan an idea judging by the look on his face.

-Can you give me a hickey?- Ethan said.

You almost spitted out the food on your mouth after hearing what he said.


- I don't know, I just thought that maybe....this is the only way that Maddison is going to believe that I'm taken. Please Y/N- he said almost begging you- Also, you owe me a favor.

You knew that asking Ethan that one time to be your fake boyfriend just because a creepy guy was bothering you was a mistake. But you never expected him to take back the favor with a request like this.

In the other hand that proved that your friendship was so strong that you could even ask these type of things to each other.

After thinking about it for some seconds you made your decision. You couldn't decline his favor because he has done a lot more for you and doing this would make you feel less guilty.

-Fine, I'll be at your house after school- you said and left to your next class as you were already running late.

When you leaved you saw Ethan's face that expressed a mixture of thankfulness and shock.

*Time skip to Ethan's house after school*

Ethan and you were sitting on his bed, each one of you on a side of the bed.
You could definitely feel the awkwardness in the room.
Even after all these years of being friends you were never in a situation this awkward.

You decided to break the silence, but Ethan seemed to have the same idea and the awkwardness became even worse because you talked at the same time.

-What were you saying?- Ethan finally said while scratching his head and looking at the floor.

- I.... maybe we should get this done already.

-Right, I was about to say the same thing.

You approached Ethan determined to end this once and for all.
The closer you got to his neck the more scared you became.
Finally panic took over you and you stopped dead in your tracks.

Ethan just looked at you with confusion.

- I don't know how to do it- you said while staring at the floor.

-I think you just need to suck on my skin- he said not even looking at your eyes. He seemed nervous, even more than you were.

-that sounded gross, but I'll try.

Once again you got close to Ethan's neck but this time you succeeded to.

When your lips touched his neck you felt his body heat, the way he was breathing and you could even kind of taste his sweat (wich was kind of gross if you think about it).

You started to lightly suck on his skin, but it wasn't enough to leave a mark so you had to do it again and again.
You kind of missed the spots so it looked like he had a lot of hickeys.

When you pulled away from his neck you saw that the red of his cheeks blended with the red spots that you just gave him

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When you pulled away from his neck you saw that the red of his cheeks blended with the red spots that you just gave him.

For a few minutes the two of you went quiet.
Once again you could sense the awkwardness, until Ethan said:


-No problem- you said with a slight smile- I guess that's all. Let me know if Maddison leaves you alone enter this.

After saying this you took your things as fast as you could to not make the things more weird.

You definitely have a lot to think about and it's better if you do it when you are alone, or at least without him.

-Yeah, see you around- Ethan said watching you leave.

And just like that the weirdest day of your life ended.
Now you wonder if best friends actually do this things.


Sorry for this cringe chapter.
At least I hope you enjoyed it.
I'll try to post more. I have been going through a lot of stuff, but I don't want to let you guys down.

Leave a ⭐️ if you wish Ethan uploaded a pic!

Peace out!

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