The Accident

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I wanted to know what you guys think about putting pictures in the stories to make it more visual. Please let me know what you prefer. Thanks.


*Your P.O.V*

Once again you were walking alone trying to get back home. The only problem was that it was dark and it was raining. You knew that at this time there weren't busses that could take you home, so you just kept walking and hoping you would get somewhere.
And when you thought it couldn't get worse, it did. Right when you were passing by a puddle a car soaked you with the dirty water. Not that you minded, you were already soaking wet.
But the car stopped and a lady came out.

*Ethan's P.O.V before the accident happened *

My mother thought it would be nice to have some alone time with me, so we went to a beach that was an hour away from our home, it was supposed to be something fun. But right after we got there it started raining. Thankfully we had another house near to the beach.
In the way to the house I was distracted watching the water drops fall. Until my mom accidentally soaked a girl, that looked my age, and she felt bad for the girl so she got out of the car to apologize.

*back to your P.O.V*

-I'm so sorry- the lady that came out of the car said.

-don't worry, I already was soaking wet- I said trying to not cry, but it didn't work and I ended up crying.

-I feel really bad, please let me take you home- the lovely women said to me, clearly seeing that I was crying.

-don't worry ma'am I don't want your car to get wet.

-it doesn't matter, its the least thing I can do to make it up to you- the lady replied insisting.

- but I live an hour away from here. I don't want to bother you- I said

-then I'll take to my home and tomorrow morning I'll take you to your house. We also live an hour away from here- she said- please, don't reject my offer please.

-alright- I said happy that she didn't give up on me.

When she took me to her car I noticed there was another person in there.

-this is my son, Ethan- the friendly lady said to me

His son greeted me by shaking my hand. We did eye contact for a second, but it felt like forever. I was stuck in his beautiful eyes that I barely noticed that he asked me something:

-what's your name?

- name is Y/N- i said stuttering and finally leaving his soft hand.

In the way to their home they made me feel more comfortable. Both Ethan and his mother were really funny, maybe it's in their genes.

When we finally got there they explained me that this was not their house, it was more like a vacation home.
They also showed me where I could sleep and they gave warm clothes. THEY WERE ETHAN'S CLOTHES. Even though I looked like a guy , i liked the way the clothes smelled and that they looked big on me.

When we were having dinner the Ethan's mother asked me the question she was craving to ask:

- what where you doing all alone in a place and hour away from your home?

-my dad... This is the fifth time I come here to be with my dad but he never appears. So I always head back home alone. But this time I stood here a little longer than I should have, hoping he would come. But he never did - I said as I started to cry.

Ethan stood up and walked where I was to hug me. I hugged him back letting all my tears fall in his shoulder.
He made me feel safe, it felt like he was taking the pain away from me.

-I'm so sorry to hear that, if you ever need anything please let us know- Ethan said while he saved his number in my phone.

After that we all decided to watch a movie. Ethan's mother was sitting in a small couch and Ethan and I in a big couch.
Without even noticing, Ethan grabbed my hand. It felt so natural and right so I didn't say anything. And that's the last thing I remember.

The next morning I woke up and I saw Ethan besides me in the couch and we were covered with a bed sheet.
In that moment Ethan's mother walked to the living room, where Ethan and I were.

-good morning. Sorry I didn't wake you up, you two looked so peaceful while you were sleeping so I left you guys there- Ethan's mother said .

-it's alright- i said

- your clothes aren't dry yet. You can keep Ethan's clothes if you want. I'm sure someday we'll see each other again so don't worry- she said

-thank you so much. You have been so nice to me and I don't know how to make it up to you.

-don't worry sweetie. Come on, let's eat breakfast- his mother said.

When I tried to get up I noticed something was holding me down. It was Ethan. HE WAS HUGGING ME WHILE SLEEPING.
His mother just laughed.

-excuse him. He was an habit of holding things while sleeping- Ethan's mother said while laughing.

-its ok. I can wait until he wakes up- you said while giggling.

-alright, I'll start cooking the breakfast.

After his mother left you two, you decided to sleep a little more until Ethan wakes up.
When he finally did you two went to eat . After that you all packed and finally got to the car to head home.

In the way back you all shared funny stories and you also singed together. You also found out that Ethan's home is not that far from yours.

When you finally arrived home you were a little sad, but you knew it was the beginning of a new friendship.

-I hope you had fun- Ethan's mother said

- I surely did. Again thank you so much for everything- you said

-promise me this won't be the last time we see each other- Ethan said while giving you his pinky to do a promise.

- I promise- you said while connecting your pinky with his.

You got our of the car and waved goodbye.

You really felt lucky to meet them


Hopefully you enjoyed this one-shot. If you did please leave a ⭐️

Peace out!

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now