Holydays with Ethan

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Marry Christmas and happy new year!!!! I know I'm late and I'm sorry.
*Y/N P.O.V*

Me and Ethan had been friend since we were born.
This was because our parents are not only friends, but best friend. Even way before we were born.
So they decided to get pregnant at the same time and have babies at the same time.
That's why I was born a day after Ethan and he always makes fun of me because of it.

The point is that since we had diapers we had been friends and now we are almost siblings.
And being almost siblings means that we also spend the holidays together. Just like today.

Today is nineteenth of December of 2019. We are going to Colorado to the Log cabin that we always rent for the holidays. As I said, every year we go there, but not only my family, also Ethan's.
I don't have any problems with it because we are almost a family and they are really cool people.

Right now is 9:34 A.M. and we have to go to the airport. We are all going to the airport in the car of Ethan's parents. And because we are neighbors they should we here at any moment-

Ding dong

They're here!

I'm exited but also nervous. The airport rush makes me anxious. But I think I can deal with it, over all if Ethan is with me.

* time skip to the airport *

I haven't got the chance to talk to Ethan since all this anxiety that I just talked about was getting in me. But when we were in the waiting room Ethan made the first move. I guess he knew how stressed I was, since we know each other for so long I bet he practically feels everything I feel.

-hey, are you ok?- Ethan said while he grabbed my hand. He knows that taking my hand makes me feel safer

- I guess. You know how I feel about airports- I said feeling a bit better thanks to him.

Ethan was about to say something else, but he was interrupted by a women that was talking in the airport speaker.

-flight A911 please form a line in front of the gate 8. Thank you- the women said in the speaker that could be heard all over the airport.

In that moment we all stood up and formed a line in the gate 8.

When we were finally in the airplane we got to seats. And thankfully I was next to Ethan. It was only the two of us in that row.

The most part of the flight  Ethan tried to distract me from  the Turbulences. And we also slept until we got to the destination.

We were really tired because of the flight. So I don't really remember how we got to the log cabin. All I know is that I woke up in a bed cuddling with Ethan....

Part two coming soon !


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have a request for an imagine please leave me a comment.

Peace out!

Ethan Hwang  X  Y/N FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now