Chapter 1

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"Uh...yes, sorry, I'm still here."


"Right. The hospital. I'll be there right away."


"You idiot. What did you do to yourself now?"


"Yah! Y/N-ah! Are you coming?"

I blink, taken out of a daze. The city of Seoul was just too beautiful not to stare at. I look over at my brother, Hoseok, with a grin.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" I run up to him, dragging my suitcase along. He shakes his head with a scoff and holds the apartment building door open with his back as he carries my other two suitcases. I hear the door slowly close behind us as I look around the small lobby. I look around and see no elevator. Just stairs straight ahead. I fold the handle into my suitcase and pick it up as I lead the way up the stairs.

Hoseok talks from behind me. "Are you sure you'll be able to live in an apartment all by yourself?"

I shrug. "Of course. I'm not a child anymore."

"Says the one who needs help moving in."

I furrow my eyebrows even though he can't see me. "Hey! I can't carry heavy things by myself! You should feel honored that I think you're strong enough to help me!"

"Right. You're going to need someone to boss around." Before I turned around to yell at him, he speaks again. "Oh yeah. About that. I thought I might need a little help that so I invited a friend to come over. I hope that's okay."

I smile. "Of course. Which friend is it?"

I can hear the shrug in his voice. "A friend. You'll, uh, meet him when he gets here."

Before I can ask why he's trying to keep his friend a secret he changes the subject.

"You're on the top floor, right?"

I nod. "Yep. Room 307."

"Alright, hurry up."

I nod and turn right, scanning each of the numbers on the doors. I find it at the end of the hallway and unlock the door. The door opens and I step inside to see lots of boxes. Hoseok files in behind me. I hear him drop my suitcases on the floor.

"Gosh! What did you have in those? Rocks?" Hoseok asks, rubbing his arms.

"No, dummy. Just my clothes."

Hoseok clicks his tongue. "Your closet must've been overfilled of you needed three big suitcases to carry all of your clothes."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Most of the heaviest boxes go to the kitchen. Find them and put them in there."

"Alright, Relationship Virgin," Hoseok tells me with a cheeky grin as he goes into the other room to look through my boxes.

I resist the urge to smack him, hating the nickname he and his friends gave to me. It's not my fault that I never had the time (or courage, I guess) to date people.

The Wall Between Us (YoongixReader)Where stories live. Discover now