Chapter 13

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"Hoseok, maybe we shouldn't go to your house. I mean, I've never been to a friend's house. I don't know what to do."

"No worries, hyung! My mom's really cool! She's super nice, too! My little sister, though...she's super annoying."

"You have a sister?"

"Oh! I haven't told you about her? She's four. That's four years younger than me and...five years younger than you! And she always wants to play with my friends."

"You're lucky. I wish I had a brother or sister."

"Trust me, you don't. They always touch your stuff and never leave you alone!"

".....better than being alone..."

"...How about this? Why don't you think of me as your younger brother?"


"We do everything together! Things only boys do! I've always wanted a brother. And plus, you're older than me!"

"You can do that? Just claim a person to be your brother?"

"Yeah! But that means we have to stay close! You can't stop being my friend, okay?"



"I....I promise."


"Do you know how long I've waited for you?"

"Hey. I'm not the one who tells you to come over. This is starting to get annoying."

Hoseok lets out a long sigh. "Yeah, I know. But you're my sister. My only sister. You can't be out this late alone. Not in the city."

I want to argue but I decide to drop it. I know he's just trying to look after me. I know where he's coming from. We only have each other.

"Where were you, anyway?" Hoseok asks.

I wave the bag and fabricate my lie. "Just shopping for random things. Nothing special."

"Oh?" Hoseok replies with a sly grin. "Any snacks?"

I scoff. "No. Even if there were, you wouldn't get any."

He pouts. "Aww! Why?"

"Because you would eat them all?"

Hoseok gives me another sad look and sinks into one of the barstools next to the counter of my kitchen.

I groan and walk to one of my cupboards. I pull out his favorite snack and throw it at him.

"Take it!" I yell jokingly.

Hoseok's face immediately lights up and he rips open the bag and starts relishing the snack. I roll my eyes and put the bag from the store into a cabinet that I use for storage. Hoseok would be suspicious if he saw exactly what was inside.

"So, older brother, " I say, putting a sassy tone in it. "What did you do today besides being overprotective of me?"

"I am not-"

The Wall Between Us (YoongixReader)Where stories live. Discover now