Chapter 6

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"Hey, Yoongi. I can't be friends with you anymore."

"W-What why?"

"You know why."

"No. I don't. Tell me why."

"Oh, come on. We're in fourth grade. Don't be a baby about it."

"It's not being a baby. I wanna know why."

"It's because of your mom! Gosh!"

"What about her?"

"Well, she's not like my mom or my friend's mom. We don't want to hang out with weird kids."

"But, I'm not-"

"Get over it, Yoongi! Nothing's going to change my mind. We're not friends."


"But, I'm not my mother..."


"Thank you for tuning into Sounds of Seoul. This is Suga, tuning out. Have a good night."

I can't keep my eyes off of him and I'm pretty sure that Yaelin has noticed. It's just that this person is so much different than the one I met in the hallway of my apartment building. This Yoongi (or should I say Suga?) has a fire in his eyes whenever he talks about a song or tells a story. It's like his voice becomes music as well.

Daechi gives Yoongi a signal and he takes off the big headphones he had on. He makes eye contact with me, making me quickly look down at the notes I had been taking. Jojo had told Yaelin and me to take notes about what the show was about so we could make scripts for the future. I didn't write many. I was too focused on...something else.

"Alright!" Jojo says with a big clap. She pushes her thick round glasses up her nose. She wasn't wearing them before but she put them on as soon as the show started. "We need to have a quick meeting about something very important. Yoongi, you can leave if you want."

Yoongi, who was exiting the booth, leans against the glass of the booth. "I think I'll stay this time."

Jojo gives him a weird look but shakes her head. "Alright! Aja! Come join us at the table!"

Daechi stands up from the equipment. "Aish! I'm right behind you. You don't have to yell."

They both take a seat across the table (and I mean the round table Yaelin and I cleaned). Yoongi crosses his arms and gets comfortable on the wall. Not like I was staring or anything.

"Okay, first," Jojo starts as she stares at her twiddling hands, "Meetings like this never happen. Usually, this time is used to plan the next show. But I have some bad news."

Yaelin leans forward. "Bad news? What is it?"

Jojo blows a long breath out of her mouth. "The chief called me in for a meeting today and he told me some...disappointing news. Since our show's ratings and listeners are dropping, we have a month to get the listeners up before our show is canceled."

I feel a drop in my heart. "How is that possible?"

They all look at me. Daechi asks, "What do you mean?"

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