Chapter 18

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Min Yoongi's Point of View

She hasn't come over. She hasn't talked to me. She can't even look at me.

The last thing I saw of her was her tear-filled eyes as she ran away from the restaurant. I wanted to chase after her. I wanted to try to make things right. But I can't.

I killed their mother. By not taking care of my mother and letting her addiction get that bad, I indirectly caused their mother's death. Even if it wasn't direct, I still did it. I'm the main reason why their mother isn't alive today. Me.

A loud knock comes from the door making me look up slowly in the direction of it. It's not Y/N's knock. Hers is a lot quieter. Her small hands wouldn't be able to make that loud of a noise. I decide to ignore it. Whoever it is, they'll go away.

They knock again. "Min Yoongi! Open the door! I have to talk to you!"

I can't recognize the voice through the door.

I get up slowly with a long groan. They start to bang on the door continuously.

"I'm coming, dammit," I mutter under my breath.

I open the door slightly. I have to look above me to see Hoseok. His appearance makes me frown more. I can't blame him for anything but I'm still mad at him.

I move to close the door but he manages to shove his foot in the space I made.

"Please let me in," he pleads. "It's important."

I glare at him, not saying a word. I don't really have anything to say to him.

After a few seconds of contemplating, I decide to open the door more.

Hoseok sighs. "Thank you."

He moves past me and into my apartment. I close the door and turn around to see him on one of the barstools. That's the place Y/N always chose to sit.

I close my eyes, wanting to seal my emotions away from Hoseok. I take a seat on my couch, which is adjacent to the barstools.

I ask quietly, "What is it that you have to say?"

Hoseok twitches his chin up. Something he's done since we were little when he was nervous.

"Hyung...I've been thinking for a long time," he starts.

Hyung? Since when did he start calling me hyung again?

"I...haven't been thinking straight for these past few years. The loss of my mom...I have never been exactly the same person as I was back then. And I was in the middle of grieving her. And that grief turned towards anger. But none of that is an excuse for the way I've treated you. You're not the one who killed my mother."

I glare at him and cut off whatever he's going to say next. "I caused it. I should've been taking care of my mother. It's my-"

"Hyung," his voice makes my mouth shut. It's a calming feeling to hear him call me hyung again. It's something I've missed. "You're not the one who got behind the wheel drunk. That was her decision. And it was never your responsibility to take care of your mother. She should've taken care of you."

I feel my eyes water. I quickly look away and make my face go neutral. I don't want him to see me cry.

"The things I said at the restaurant that night...I didn't mean them. I'm just...protective of my sister. Maybe a little too protective."

I scoff. "A little?"

"Okay, maybe a lot," he says while rolling his eyes. He looks back at me. "My point is...that night, while my sister was getting ready, I've never seen her happier. You make her happier in ways I can't. Ah- I'm not insinuating anything dirty or anything."

My eyes widen and I feel my face get hot. I quickly say, "No! We haven't done anything!"

Hoseok furrows his eyebrows. "Surely you've...kissed at least."

I look away, my face burning even more.

"Are you serious?" Hoseok asks after gasping. He looks me up and down. "Maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were."

I tilt my head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't worry about it," He changes the subject. "Back to what I was talking about, my sister is very important to me. She's the only blood family I have left. If anyone comes into her life, I want to be sure that they're not going to hurt her. So, when I saw you two at the restaurant, I said things I didn't mean. I was in protective-mode. And I don't know who you are now."

"So, what are you trying to say?" I ask, not really getting his point. He seems to be trying to avoid saying it directly.

He let out a long exhale. "What I'm trying to say order for my sister to be happy again, I need to know you. So, we might not ever get as close as we were before but, I'd like to have you back in our life again. In my life again."

My eyes widen and a hopeful feeling spreads through my body. "Really?"

He looks away. "And I guess you can start talking to my sister again," he mutters the last part, "I hope I didn't ruin anything between you two."

I can't stop a grin from spreading onto my face. "You're serious?"

"But I'm not making any promises!" Hoseok says while raising his hands. "The next part depends on what she thinks. And what you do."

I nod. "Thank you, Hoseok."

He stands up. He hesitates and stretches a hand towards me. He smiles. "Brothers?"

A feeling of nostalgia spread through me, remembering all the memories we made as kids.

I grasp onto his hand firmly. "Brothers."

He turns around and leaves the apartment with a wave.

I stare at the door in amazement. I thought that when Hoseok would leave, I would feel worse than what I felt before. But now I feel a bit lighter. I have hope. All I have to do now is win Y/N back.

But how would I do that?

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